Home Forums The Japanese Language 止まって or 止まれ?

This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  eru777 12 years, 3 months ago.

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    Shouldn’t this be 止まって since it’s giving an order to stop (Being a Godan verb and all)
    Then why do the roads in Japan have 止まれ written on them instead?
    Are both correct or not ?

    Hey! Lip them? Lip them? What?

    Both can be used to give an order. Basically the difference  is that 止まれ puts more emphasis on the order, and therefore isn’t as polite.



    Does this apply to all te forms as well ? Replacing て with れ?

    Hey! Lip them? Lip them? What?


    Thank you .

    Hey! Lip them? Lip them? What?
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