今日は、ジェフと申します。I started learning Japanese about July 1st of this year (2016 for those of you who might be reading this years from now haha). I first learned the Kana then started wanikani.com. Ironically, I didn’t realize Textfugu existed even though I was using WaniKani, so I was using various resources ranging from “Japanese From Zero” to “JapanesePod101″.
I have always wanted to learn Japanese. I like the way the language sounds, the Japanese culture and I really like the fact that respect/politeness/humbleness is built into the grammar. From the grammar to Kanji this language is really fun. My main reason for finally buckling down and getting serious is that I am planning a rock climbing trip in Japan. I will be climbing in a lot of less populated areas and I want to be able to communicate with the locals. I am hoping to reach an intermediate level by the time I go for my trip. Within the next few years, if I stay disciplined, I hope to become “fluent”.
Best of luck to everybody trying to tackle this great endevor!