Home Forums 自己紹介 (Self Introduction) 私の名前はろーがん (狼玩)

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    My name is Logan (ろーがん;狼玩)and I am very excited to be a part of the TextFugu program. The main reason I want to learn Japanese is because I am in love with Japanese culture, and it is my dream to live a chunk of my life there. Of course, without a knowledge of the Japanese language, how am I going to do that? Of course, I’ve picked up some basic Japanese on the way; through friends, personal research, and WAY too much anime. But I figured it was time to get some “official” education. That’s why I signed up!
    Anyways, wish me luck!



    Welcome to TextFugu!

    Is there a story behind the Kanji for your name?

    Check out this guide for using Anki 2 with TextFugu:


    You can also use the following thread to track your progress and share your ideas/concerns when you finish a season (gain a level ^_^):


    And here is a thread with a list of additional Japanese resources you may find helpful:





    Well the story behind the kanji for my name(狼玩) would I guess be that the wolf is my favorite animal; I think the wolf matches my personality. As for the kanji 玩, I would say that I like to trifle with things; play around. I guess I’m a tad mischievous. :)
    Anyways, thanks for the links, they will certainly be helpful.
    One question: how do you change your pic for the forums. (I wanna make it Fukube Satoshi from Hyouka. :P)



    It’s done through the site called Gravatar. If you use the same e-mail address to register there and upload an avatar it will update your avatar here automatically.




    Welcome! Foreign names are spelt in katakana, so ローガン. I really wouldn’t use kanji, no matter how cool it seems…



    We recently had a discussion about this over on the WaniKani forums, and there is some precedence for this.

    Apparently many foreigners living in Japan have adopted a Kanji version of their name and use it on their hanko. One of the reasons for this is to avoid the ingrained prejudiced afforded to foreigners when writing letters, as a Japanese reader would have no obvious indication they were dealing with a foreigner.

    This would be like a Japanese guy in a Western country who gives his name as John, an adopted western name.

    That said, this is a very specific circumstance, so as Joel said, probably safer to go katakana unless you know a lot about the ins and outs of this.

    And if you do use Kanji for your name, make sure you run it by a native Japanese or someone really knowledgeable, in order to make sure the combinations express what you think they do, both in reading and meaning.



    Thanks aikibujin! You probably saved me some embarrassment in the future here. I’ll be sure to run that kanji by a native japanese speaker to see if it’s acceptable or just totally wrong. So then I’ll be using the katakana ローガン until I know really what’s going on. Still, I’d like to develop an appropriate kanji name one at some point so that I don’t stick out like a sore thumb as a foreigner.




    山田. =)

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