Home Forums The Japanese Language 質問する vs 聞く

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  JStudent 12 years, 1 month ago.

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    In the ultimate vocab 質問する is said to mean “to ask questions”. However, I have started reading Japanese recently and I see 聞く which is said to mean “to listen”, but has an alternative meaning which is “to ask or enquire”. What is the difference between these two? Is it similar to the terminology “questioned” versus “asked” in English? As in, we would typically say “I asked her ……” versus “I questioned her on …..”



    Aye, that’s my feeling.



    Yeah me too.  In my personal experience, I have heard 聞く used more frequently than the other.



    Thanks for the replies. That was my impression but it had me confused for a little while so I wanted to see what others thought.

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