Home › Forums › Mini-Lessons › 2011年8月31日 – Dilemma (Not marked as spam version)
This topic contains 14 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by trunklayer 8 years, 2 months ago.
August 31, 2011 at 6:57 pm #16666
Let us peer into a day in the life of Missing. Or should I say night. Read the following conversation and answer the questions below. Or whatever comes first for you. You will have until Sunday @7pm US EST to complete the questions.
(For obvious privacy reasons, the real person’s name is replaced with 「名無しさん」)
[2011/08/29 23:23:20] missingno15: @TokyoGirlsStyle あの、ニューヨークに住んでますが、そのオレンジ女子流Tシャツを手に入れる方法はありますか?とても欲しかったんです
[2011/08/29 23:25:09] 名無しさん: 今ニューヨークに住んでいるのですが、そのオレンジ色の女子流Tシャツはどうしたら手に入りますか?とても欲しかったんです。
[2011/08/29 23:25:21] 名無しさん: の方が自然だね。
[2011/08/29 23:26:31] missingno15: ありがとうな
[2011/08/29 23:26:39] 名無しさん: いいよ~
[2011/08/29 23:26:52] missingno15: いま、desperateだよ
[2011/08/29 23:27:06] 名無しさん: なんで~?
[2011/08/29 23:28:01] missingno15: このオレンジのTシャツが欲しい ↓
[2011/08/29 23:28:35] missingno15: だけど、サイトで「★こちらの商品は全て会場限定販売となっています」って書いてあったから困ってる
[2011/08/29 23:29:01] 名無しさん: そういうのはやっぱり会場行かないと手に入らないね。
[2011/08/29 23:29:38] 名無しさん: たぶん、いや、絶対、twitterで質問しても答えてもらえないと思うよ
[2011/08/29 23:29:56] missingno15: だからdesperateだよ
[2011/08/29 23:29:58] missingno15: www
[2011/08/29 23:30:21] 名無しさん: あぁ~なるほどね。
[2011/08/29 23:31:22] 名無しさん: あ、ちなみにそういう時は「だから困ってるんだよ」って言った方が通じるかも。
[2011/08/29 23:32:06] 名無しさん: 俺は大丈夫だけど、desperateって言葉は、日本人の中には理解に苦しむ人もいるんだよ。
[2011/08/29 23:33:04] missingno15: それは分かったけど・・
[2011/08/29 23:33:53] 名無しさん: うーん、どうしたらいいんだろうね。
[2011/08/29 23:34:25] 名無しさん: 日本にいる女子流ファンの人に会場行って買ってきてもらうとか?
[2011/08/29 23:35:11] 名無しさん: 力になりたいけど、俺は残念ながら日本にいないし女子流ヲタではないから会場には行きづらい。。。
[2011/08/29 23:36:22] 名無しさん: あ、ちなみにAKBのPSPのゲームは俺が帰国したら買いに行って、そっちに送れるよ!
[2011/08/29 23:38:53] missingno15: でも、高すぎたから払えないかも
[2011/08/29 23:39:25] 名無しさん: ゲーム?
[2011/08/29 23:39:40] missingno15: おぉ
[2011/08/29 23:40:11] 名無しさん: 中古で買えば結構安く手に入るよ!
[2011/08/29 23:40:24] 名無しさん: 生写真とかはついてないけど。
[2011/08/29 23:41:37] missingno15: 手に入るといいなー 生写真
[2011/08/29 23:42:05] 名無しさん: 生写真付きの奴は中古でも結構高いよ・・・
[2011/08/29 23:44:27] missingno15: じゃ、生写真がついてない中古のゲームはいくらだと思う?
[2011/08/29 23:47:05] 名無しさん: うーんと、よく覚えてないけど、カナダに来る前には5000円以下、つまり65ドル以下だったと思う
[2011/08/29 23:48:35] missingno15: 65ドル以上なら、かなり安い
[2011/08/29 23:49:01] 名無しさん: でしょ?・・・ちなみに65ドル”以下”ね。笑
[2011/08/29 23:49:17] missingno15: しまった
[2011/08/29 23:49:18] missingno15: www
[2011/08/29 23:49:35] 名無しさん: やすいでしょー?
[2011/08/29 23:49:47] missingno15: 思ったより安いね
[2011/08/29 23:50:00] 名無しさん: また日本帰ったらお店行ってみて連絡するよ!
[2011/08/29 23:51:22] missingno15: でも、あのTシャツを手に入らなくてちょっと落ち込んでる
[2011/08/29 23:51:45] 名無しさん: それは。。。I’M sorry :P
[2011/08/29 23:51:54] missingno15: its ok
[2011/08/29 23:52:55] 名無しさん: 日本人の女子流ヲタの知り合いいないの?
[2011/08/29 23:53:11] missingno15: 他の友達に頼んでみたけど、彼も無理だって
[2011/08/29 23:53:13] missingno15: いない
[2011/08/29 23:53:20] 名無しさん: そっか。
[2011/08/29 23:53:43] 名無しさん: 為す術無しか。。。
[2011/08/29 23:54:05] 名無しさん: それか、オークションにもしかしたらあるかもしれない。
[2011/08/29 23:55:04] missingno15: もう調べた
[2011/08/29 23:55:16] missingno15: オークションでもない
[2011/08/29 23:55:27] missingno15: サインがあるけど
[2011/08/29 23:57:15] 名無しさん: そっか~
[2011/08/29 23:57:17] missingno15: じゃ、ネットで東京女子流ヲタ応募中!
[2011/08/29 23:57:22] 名無しさん: でもまだ早いんじゃない?
[2011/08/29 23:57:47] 名無しさん: あんまいないんじゃない?
[2011/08/29 23:58:21] 名無しさん: たぶんlang8ではそんなに見つからないし、twitterでも難しいだろうし・・・
[2011/08/29 23:59:30] missingno15: 俺諦めればいいの
[2011/08/29 23:59:44] missingno15: これで不可能みたい
[2011/08/29 23:59:58] 名無しさん: いや、あきらめるにはまだ早い!
[0:00:10] 名無しさん: オークションにまだなかったとしても、
[0:00:35] 名無しさん: もう少し経ったら出品される可能性も十分ある!
[0:04:32] missingno15: えぇ毎日オークションで調べることって大変
[0:04:42] missingno15: でもしかたないな
[0:04:52] 名無しさん: まぁ・・・そうだね
[0:08:17] missingno15: まぁ、いっか
—————————————————–Hint: ヲタ = http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h9GCHZd8GAw#t=00m45s
NG = No Good1. From 23:23:20 to 23:25:09, corrections were made. What are those corrections?
2. Other than the aforementioned correction, there are two other corrections that were made. Just name one of them but if you want, you can name both of them.
3. Why do I feel depressed in this conversation?
4. Pick any sentence and translate it. (あいづちみたいなコメントは選ぶことができません。 NG=そっか、まぁ・・そうだね)
5. What were the three main points in this conversation?
6. Share any grammar points you may have learned.
7. Chastise Missing.
August 31, 2011 at 11:32 pm #16682Sorry, I’m going to skip all the questions and just wish you luck with getting the t-shirt. Keep checking those auctions! :)
Oh, and I liked the 以上 mistake! Heheh.
September 1, 2011 at 1:05 am #16684I will do the ones that I can :P
4. なんで~? = why? :P
6. never knew なんですか could be shortened that much :P
I might check back on this once I know some more Japanese :)
September 2, 2011 at 2:30 pm #16772> あんまいないんじゃない?
What is this part?
September 2, 2011 at 5:51 pm #16792I could be wrong, but I read it as “Not many exist, right?” or “There aren’t many, right?”.
September 2, 2011 at 8:10 pm #16795I was thinking the guy was trying to be encouraging, because a couple lines later, he says it is too soon to give up. My reading of the lines leading up to this is:
missingno15: じゃ、ネットで東京女子流ヲタ応募中!
I’m in the online fan club! (and I haven’t heard anything about auctions, etc.)
[2011/08/29 23:57:22] 名無しさん: でもまだ早いんじゃない?
But isn’t it too soon (for an auction)?
[2011/08/29 23:57:47] 名無しさん: あんまいないんじゃない?
Are there really so few (of the shirts)?
But I’m not sure I have the sentence broken down correctly. Is this right?
あんまいない (not much)
ん (emphasis)
じゃない (is not)September 2, 2011 at 8:56 pm #16797The problem is, if it’s referring to the shirts then shouldn’t it be あんまない? As あんまいない refers to something that’s animate.
I figured it was あんま (casual of あまり) + いない (negative of いる).
September 3, 2011 at 8:02 am #16805> あんまいない refers to something that’s animate.
I thought the topic was either the shirts or the auctions. Is your idea that it means
“There are not many [people who are going to try to sell one of the shirts], right?”
September 3, 2011 at 8:52 am #16807Yes, or: “There are not many [people who own the shirts], right?” as a suggested reason for why there may not be any auctions yet.
But isn’t it still too soon?
There aren’t many people who have one, right?That was my thought, but I could be completely wrong. I found the use of いない there rather confusing and this is the only answer I can think of. Hopefully Missing can give us the answer.
September 3, 2011 at 9:52 am #16808> There aren’t many people who have one, right?
That is probably it. Cheers!
September 3, 2011 at 11:55 am #16810Sorry guys, answers come Sunday night
September 5, 2011 at 11:49 am #16849sorry for being late
[2011/08/29 23:23:20] missingno15: @TokyoGirlsStyle あの、ニューヨークに住んでますが、そのオレンジ女子流Tシャツを手に入れる方法はありますか?とても欲しかったんです
[2011/08/29 23:25:09] 名無しさん: 今ニューヨークに住んでいるのですが、そのオレンジ色の女子流Tシャツはどうしたら手に入りますか?とても欲しかったんです。
[2011/08/29 23:25:21] 名無しさん: is more natural
[2011/08/29 23:26:31] missingno15: ありがとうな
[2011/08/29 23:26:39] 名無しさん: いいよ~
[2011/08/29 23:26:52] missingno15: いま、desperateだよ
[2011/08/29 23:27:06] 名無しさん: なんで~?
[2011/08/29 23:28:01] missingno15: このオレンジのTシャツが欲しい ↓
[2011/08/29 23:28:35] missingno15: だけど、サイトで「★こちらの商品は全て会場限定販売となっています」って書いてあったから困ってる
[2011/08/29 23:29:01] 名無しさん: (with something like that), looks like you’d have to go to the 会場 to get it.
[2011/08/29 23:29:38] 名無しさん: probably, no, you will not definitely receive back through twitter
[2011/08/29 23:29:56] missingno15: だからdesperateだよ
[2011/08/29 23:29:58] missingno15: www
[2011/08/29 23:30:21] 名無しさん: あぁ~なるほどね。
[2011/08/29 23:31:22] 名無しさん: あ、ちなみにそういう時は「だから困ってるんだよ」ってmight get your point across
[2011/08/29 23:32:06] 名無しさん: im fine with it (cause i’ve been studying english)、desperateって言葉は、hard for Japanese people to understand
[2011/08/29 23:33:04] missingno15: それは分かったけど・・
[2011/08/29 23:33:53] 名無しさん: yeah, what should you do
[2011/08/29 23:34:25] 名無しさん: maybe something like get a TGS fan in japan go to buy for you?
[2011/08/29 23:35:11] 名無しさん: 力になりたいけど、俺は残念ながら日本にいないし女子流ヲタではないから会場には行きづらい。。。 i’d help but unfortunately im in not in japan (right now) and i’m not a TGS wota so it’d be hard for me (mentally) to go
[2011/08/29 23:36:22] 名無しさん: oh, by the way, when i return to japan im gonna go get the akb psp game and i can send that to you!
[2011/08/29 23:38:53] missingno15: but its too expensive and i might not be able to pay you back
[2011/08/29 23:39:25] 名無しさん: you mean the game?
[2011/08/29 23:39:40] missingno15: おぉ
[2011/08/29 23:40:11] 名無しさん: if you get it used, you can get it for pretty cheap!
[2011/08/29 23:40:24] 名無しさん: there’s no 生写真 though
[2011/08/29 23:41:37] missingno15: it’d be nice to get some 生写真
[2011/08/29 23:42:05] 名無しさん: even the used ones with 生写真 are pretty expensive (you know)….
[2011/08/29 23:44:27] missingno15: then, how much do you think the used games without 生写真 are?
[2011/08/29 23:47:05] 名無しさん: hmmmm, i dont really remember well but before coming to Canada it was under 5000 yen so i think that they were less than $65
[2011/08/29 23:48:35] missingno15: 65ドル以上なら、かなり安い
[2011/08/29 23:49:01] 名無しさん: でしょ?・・・ちなみに65ドル”以下”ね。笑
[2011/08/29 23:49:17] missingno15: whoops
[2011/08/29 23:49:18] missingno15: www
[2011/08/29 23:49:35] 名無しさん: やすいでしょー?
[2011/08/29 23:49:47] missingno15: its cheaper than i thought
[2011/08/29 23:50:00] 名無しさん: when i get back to japan, im gonna try to go to store and i’ll let you know!
[2011/08/29 23:51:22] missingno15: but, im sad that i can’t get the shirt
[2011/08/29 23:51:45] 名無しさん: それは。。。I’M sorry :P
[2011/08/29 23:51:54] missingno15: its ok
[2011/08/29 23:52:55] 名無しさん: you don’t have any japanese TGS acquaintances?
[2011/08/29 23:53:11] missingno15: i tried asking another friend but he also said he couldn’t do it
[2011/08/29 23:53:13] missingno15: nope
[2011/08/29 23:53:20] 名無しさん: そっか。
[2011/08/29 23:53:43] 名無しさん: 為す術無しか。。。
[2011/08/29 23:54:05] 名無しさん: perhaps there might be some on (yahoo) auctions
[2011/08/29 23:55:04] missingno15: already checked
[2011/08/29 23:55:16] missingno15: its not even on (yahoo) auctions
[2011/08/29 23:55:27] missingno15: but there’s autographs though
[2011/08/29 23:57:15] 名無しさん: そっか~
[2011/08/29 23:57:17] missingno15: じゃ、ネットで東京女子流ヲタ応募中! (also take a look at this
[2011/08/29 23:57:22] 名無しさん: but isn’t too early (because they aren’t that popular yet)?
[2011/08/29 23:57:47] 名無しさん: theres not that many (fans) right?
[2011/08/29 23:58:21] 名無しさん: probably, you cant find that many on lang8, and twitter is probably be just as hard…
[2011/08/29 23:59:30] missingno15: maybe i should give up
[2011/08/29 23:59:44] missingno15: seems pretty much impossible at this point
[2011/08/29 23:59:58] 名無しさん: no, its still too early to give up!
[0:00:10] 名無しさん: even if theres still none at (yahoo) auctions
[0:00:35] 名無しさん: if you just let time pass for a bit, the possibility of being put out on auctions is already good enough!
[0:04:32] missingno15: meh, checking on auctions every single day is hard
[0:04:42] missingno15: but i guess it cant be helped
[0:04:52] 名無しさん: well….i guess so
[0:08:17] missingno15: eh, whatever
—————————————————–- This reply was modified 13 years, 5 months ago by missingno15.
September 5, 2011 at 12:46 pm #16855Thanks Missing, this was a fun exercise and I’d enjoy more of them!
I’m pleased that I understood nearly all of it. I did wonder if the 「あんまいないんじゃない」 referred to there not being many TGS fans online, but in the end had decided on ‘people who own the shirts’. I hadn’t understood the 応募中 in the earlier sentence, but thanks to your links it now makes sense to me. Very useful!
September 5, 2011 at 1:41 pm #16858I’m really glad that you got something out of it and had fun!
November 14, 2016 at 7:02 am #49815Hm… I’d answer like this:
1. He added 「今」、replaced 「住んでます」 with 「生んでいるのです」、replaced 「オレンジ」 with 「オレンジ色の」 and used 「どうしたら+verb」 pattern instead of 「verb+方法はありますか」 pattern.
2. The first one was when he said that some Japanese people might forget what “desperate” means, so it’s better to use 「困ってるんだ」 instead.
The second one was when he pointed out that you accidentally wrote 「以上」 instead of 「以下」。
3. You desperately wanted to buy that T-shirt, but it turned to be a limited edition that you can only buy at that location. And your anonymous friend wasn’t in Japan at that time, neither is he into girls’ T-shirts.
4. I’d translate 「うーんと、よく覚えてないけど、カナダに来る前には5000円以下、つまり65ドル以下だったと思う」 as “Yeah, although I don’t remember it well, I think that before I came to Canada it’s cost was less than 5000 yen, in other words, less than 65$”.
5. Well, the first main point I’ve already pointed out when answering question 3.
The second is that although that person refused to help you buying the T-shirt, he advised you not to give up and look it up on auctions.
The third main point is that he agreed to help you buying the AKB game for PSP once he returns to Japan.
6. Well, I might have missed something, but it seems I’ve already met all the grammar points used in this lesson before (whether I manage to learn them correctly is a different story though).
7. Lol -
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