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    You have to make it less boring. Try new workout, new exercise, new methods. Like learning japanese, there are ways to make it fun ( or at least, less boring )



    After joining fitocracy, I decided to run a marathon. Learning Japanese made me realize that working towards a specific goal is a strong motivator. Also, it gives you something to measure your progress against.



    I discovered when I tried to climb Mount Fuji that being within the “healthy” weight band and being fit are not the same thing, so I thought I’d sign up. I’m thinking about entering the Seven Bridges Walk ( http://www.7bridgeswalk.com.au/ ) for cancer research at the end of October, too, so I’d need to put n some preparation for that.

    So I took the invitation and signed up for Fitocracy, but… after looking at the inside of it, I’m not sure I’ll be using it much. It’s all barbell this and weight machine that, or run Lola run!



    Joel, what kind of thing were you hoping for? If it’s of any use to you I’m a big fan of bodyweight exercises – the programme I’m doing is called “You are your own gym” or YAYOG for short, based on a book by a guy called mark lauren – check out the group for it here if you like the sound of it.

    Hatt0ri, way to go! that’s an awesome goal.

    Reiden, totally agree! Also, ルイ, I think the more intense the workout the less boring it will be. My workouts are pretty short but intense. I don’t have time to get bored!
    (I still can’t believe I get to say things like “my workout”)



    I guess I was hoping for something along the lines of “so, you’re preparing for a long-distance walk? Try this, or this” rather than what appears to be “pump those weights, muscleman!” I looked through the quests available to me from the start for some guidance, and all save one of them is something weights-based. The last one is “do ten things in a week”.

    That said, I was wondering what YAYOG stood for. =)



    Oh, that’s odd, I’ll admit a lot of the quests are like that, but there’s a few like “Let’s Go For A Hike!” too – does that one appear in the list for you?
    It may also be worth looking on the forums and asking for suggestions on preparing for long distance walks. The community’s pretty helpful!



    I’m new here, but I’ve been also struggling with losing weight. Thank you for spreading the invites and I hope to gain as much out of Fitocracy as I know I will here.



    youngmug you’re very welcome!



    Yay! I already had a fitocracy account (for 2 weeks or so now), but I’m joining the group right now. :)
    I think it’s quite fun and if the work out gets boring: just do some quests to do something new.



    @Larisa : that quest isn’t gonna help the way you feel.

    Quest: Evolve
    Reward: +300 pts
    Status: Available

    From Magikarp to Gyarados. Start in the water for a short swim. Dry yourself off and go for a run; don’t forget to look both ways when crossing streets. Finish out the quest with a set of pull ups. Complete these in one day’s workout.



    ^ Is that real? Hahah, I’m definitely getting in touch with my inner Magikarp…

    Also I’ll have to look into this YAYOG thing, I don’t use anything except myself and a Yoga mat so it would be interesting to mix up my routine.



    BUMP, come on people spring is just over the horizon!

    If we ever meet up someday to speak Japanese to each other, we have to look suspiciously attractive to those who are passing by

    In any case, I was feeling extra good today and thought maybe there are some more new people on here who aren’t aware. :).



    You make a good point :) there are still over 70 invites left, people!

    Now if we can only get the group challenge thing to actually work. It still seems to be broken.



    For some of us, spring is a long way away. Mind you, I’m not exactly sure where summer got to either – it’s pouring with rain right now.



    Spring *sigh*….in 3 months yeah.

    But anyway, come people! Need an healthy body to have an healthy mind to study japanese :)

    • This reply was modified 13 years ago by  Reiden.
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