Home › Forums › Mini-Lessons › 2012年6月14日 - THAT'S RIGHT, LETS LISTENING COMPREHENSION テスト!
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June 14, 2012 at 12:40 pm #31847
But in my honest opinion, you should be happy that I’m doing this because if theres a resource that I could ask for free or had more money to get, it would be listening comprehension question stuff. Too many times where I misheard Japanese from Japanese people and mistook their words for something else or misread things and this lead to some strained connections with some people. This is where misunderstanding occurs and relationships can possibly be ruined. To avoid this, let’s practice listening!
The Introduction
“Your eyes can deceive you. Don’t trust them. Stretch out with your feelings!” – Obi Wan KenobiSo what I will be using today is the recently released episode of the radio show, 『AKB48今夜は帰らない』 on June 4th, 2012. Radio show means pure
unadulteratedaudio. With that said, sorry to everyone that it has to be AKB48 (again) if you don’t like AKB48. Unfortunately, my criteria for choosing this was that it had to be something which I can, at minimum, understand 85% of what is being said. Obviously, if I can’t understand myself, then it wouldn’t be good learning material. Luckily, there is not much that you need to know about AKB48 for this specific episode which is also why I chose it and the music breaks are also edited outThe Preparation
The hosts for today’s episode is:
Annin aka Iriyama Anna (AKB48, Team 4)
Maria/Mari aka Abe Maria (AKB48, Team 4)
Tano-chan aka Tano Yuka (AKB48, Team 4← ’as of March 24,2012′)Questions will be either in English or Japanese, depending on how I feel at the time of the question lol and you may either answer in English or Japanese. I will not correct the grammar of your answers should it be Japanese.
Radio show
Radio showBy the way, if you can understand nearly everything in this radio show (excluding possible AKB references), I think you can confidently claim yourself to be at the higher end of N4 to N3 as I think its representative of a conversation that isn’t too specific on any topics like math, science, politics. Just 日常会話 style if you get what I mean.
※Questions will be based on 3:30 -19:011. 最初から最後まで、メンバーたちはどんな企画をしますか?
2. Annin, Maria, and Tano are actually not the regular hosts of 「AKB48今夜は帰らない」。 Out of the three, which member(s) can NOT seemingly perform a “moe voice” better than the actual regulars?
3. What is the successive order in which the 3 answer the listener’s scenarios?
4. In which prefecture does the asker of the first scenario come from?
5. What is the reason for Tano-chan’s answer for the first scenario? What is the general reaction of Annin and Maria?
6. What is the second scenario? What is Maria’s reaction to it?
7. 日本語であんにんの答えを書いてください。みんなさん、萌えましたか?私が萌えました。
8. Before the third question, the members points are counted up. How many points does each member have?
9. Where does the asker of the 3rd question live? What is his/her scenario?
10. Where does the asker of the 4th question live and what is his/her scenario?
11. What does Maria think of Tano-chan’s answer to the 4th scenario?
12. What are the member’s final results?
13. あんにんがもらったご褒美は何でしたか?
14. What will happen to the listeners upon hearing the members talk about Annin’s prize?
BONUS QUESTION FOR MARK: What is the name of Yui’s mother?
How was it? Was it incredibly easy or hard? Give me feedback or whatever that I probably won’t end up using to improve the next “mini lesson”….whenever that will be. Do you even like this sort of listening comprehension thing? Like you know, does it turn you on? Anyway, whether you did a bad job or not, thank you for attempting and お疲れ様です。June 14, 2012 at 2:47 pm #318491. 最初から最後まで、メンバーたちはどんな企画をしますか?
企画がない2. Annin, Maria, and Tano are actually not the regular hosts of 「AKB48今夜は帰らない」。 Out of the three, which member(s) can NOT seemingly perform a “moe voice” better than the actual regulars?
あんいん3. What is the successive order in which the 3 answer the listener’s scenarios?
3.あんいん4. In which prefecture does the asker of the first scenario come from?
岐阜県5. What is the reason for Tano-chan’s answer for the first scenario? What is the general reaction of Annin and Maria?
Due to not entirely understanding the scenario, I can’t really answer this question sufficiently. Something about a boy from the same grade that you like that turns towards you? Yeah not sure…
Either way, what I hear the answer as is トイレ. So she would go to the toilet in that scenario? lolThe reaction from the other girls is at first that it was a very quick answer, and if that was really all.
6. What is the second scenario? What is Maria’s reaction to it?
The scenario the second listener wants them to do is: You have washed your hands, what would you say to a boy who hasn’t got a ハンカチ.
I think this is the reaction: そのもてねぞ – You should have that! (not at all sure)7. 日本語であんにんの答えを書いてください。みんなさん、萌えましたか?私が萌えました。
?????げないじゃん8. Before the third question, the members points are counted up. How many points does each member have?
たのちゃん:09. Where does the asker of the 3rd question live? What is his/her scenario?
好きな子がみてるなか試合中に(だいしたい?)試合後???好きな子は励ましてくれました。10. Where does the asker of the 4th question live and what is his/her scenario?
Something about a date, and a telephone doing something during the evening lol. They are talking about maybe it would appropriate to apologize, and are all a bit surprised by the question. うううううううああああああああ??? 何?デート中?11. What does Maria think of Tano-chan’s answer to the 4th scenario?
すごいいいとも12. What are the member’s final results?
まり 2ポイント
あんいん: 6ポイント
たのちゃん: 4ポイント~今回の勝利は・・・
あんいん! おめでとう!13. あんにんがもらったご褒美は何でしたか?
桃ケーキ14. What will happen to the listeners upon hearing the members talk about Annin’s prize?
推し変(笑)BONUS QUESTION FOR MARK: What is the name of Yui’s mother?
横山 昌美
https://dl.dropbox.com/u/5223862/vlcsnap-2012-06-15-01h09m40s55.pngJune 14, 2012 at 2:53 pm #31850It’s upsetting that all I’m getting from that is a massive blur of sounds and the occasional です…evidently I need to practise listening to things more :P
June 14, 2012 at 3:09 pm #31852
AnonymousAah they are talking really fast!! My listening is horrible…
ちょっと。。だね。。誰が思った。。すごい。。でもね、私はね。。自分が好きなのに。。お願いします。。男の子。。三、二、一。。それ分かんないけど。。厚いよね。。早かった。。そうね。。それでは(I heard this like 4 times)。。ね。。皆さん、大丈夫ですか?。。頑張って下さい。。トイレ?あのトイレ?(Were they talking about a toilet?) I hear things like these but can’t understand the sentences! T_T-
This reply was modified 12 years, 9 months ago by
June 15, 2012 at 1:40 am #31857Okay listened to it again this morning, and there are a few things I would change
10. Where does the asker of the 4th question live and what is his/her scenario?
Something about a date, and a telephone doing something during the evening lol. They are talking about maybe it would appropriate to apologize, and are all a bit surprised by the question. うううううううああああああああ??? 何?デート中?This is what I hear this time around:
デート中喧嘩をしてしまい会ってしまった彼に夜電話したい人事June 15, 2012 at 1:42 am #31858マーク・ウェーバー:
6. What is the second scenario? What is Maria’s reaction to it?
The scenario the second listener wants them to do is: You have washed your hands, what would you say to a boy who hasn’t got a ハンカチ.
I think this is the reaction: そのもてねぞ – You should have that! (not at all sure)そうなんじゃもってねぞ
June 15, 2012 at 1:43 am #31859Q2
It is only annin that can perform a better voice, I think I must’ve read the question wrong.June 18, 2012 at 7:49 am #31976cool bump
June 18, 2012 at 11:35 pm #31996Kays, looks like no one is gonna answer, or was gonna answer this so I’m gonna post answers up now. Making this seems like it was a slight waste of my time :/ since Mark is the only one who answered my questions and got a bunch of them right. Oh wells
1. 最初から最後まで、メンバーたちはどんな企画をしますか?
The moe voice thing
2. Annin, Maria, and Tano are actually not the regular hosts of 「AKB48今夜は帰らない」。 Out of the three, which member(s) can NOT seemingly perform a “moe voice” better than the actual regulars?
maria and tano
3. What is the successive order in which the 3 answer the listener’s scenarios?
maria, tano, annin
4. In which prefecture does the asker of the first scenario come from?
5. What is the reason for Tano-chan’s answer for the first scenario? What is the general reaction of Annin and Maria?
she said “トイレ” because “well if you said トイレ, wouldn’t you turn around”? (to which maria and annin are like rofl no you wouldnt w)
6. What is the second scenario? What is Maria’s reaction to it?
手を洗ったけど、ハンカチがない男の子に言う台詞です。 shes like wtf wait we’re doing the same thing again?
7. 日本語であんにんの答えを書いてください。みんなさん、萌えましたか?私が萌えました。
8. Before the third question, the members points are counted up. How many points does each member have?
annin – 4
maria – 2
tano – 09. Where does the asker of the 3rd question live? What is his/her scenario?
北海道。好きな子が見てる中、試合中に大失態。試合後、落ち込むあなたに好きな子が励ましてくれた。それに対しての返答、moe voiceお願いします
10. Where does the asker of the 4th question live and what is his/her scenario?
11. What does Maria think of Tano-chan’s answer to the 4th scenario?
whatever mark put
12. What are the member’s final results?
whatever mark wrote
13. あんにんがもらったご褒美は何でしたか?
momo cake
14. What will happen to the listeners upon hearing the members talk about Annin’s prize?
they’ll get hungry
BONUS QUESTION FOR MARK: What is the name of Yui’s mother?
whatever mark put
June 19, 2012 at 2:56 am #32001Thanks ←
June 27, 2012 at 8:57 am #32367
AnonymousWell not everyone’s Japanese is perfect! T_T but im trying :D
October 4, 2012 at 7:47 pm #359561. What does Missingno15 have too much of on his hands?
This reply was modified 12 years, 9 months ago by
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