Home Forums TextFugu A few questions general

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    To have a blunt start:

    1) Should and could I use WaniKani instead of the SRS Anki program we use in the lessons here? Before I venture on past season 2, I want to know if I could/should use WaniKani instead of Anki. I find it a million times easier and more lenient towards my work schedule and exercise routine. (Plus I have the WaniKani app that lets me know when my lessons are due. ++ To the guy who made that.) The only problem I foresee is the lessons supposedly using some of the kanji you might have learned from the Anki routine that wasn’t in the WaniKani routine.


    2) When it comes to planning ahead and staying on task: How often do you other fellow Textfugu members study and how long? I want to plan at least 30 minutes to an hour out of my day, but I don’t know if that is too little. It can’t be too much, there is always more to learn.


    3) Finally, when it comes to “You haven’t studied in 3 days”, what do you all do? Usually when that happens I tend to lose inspiration and just sit around for even more days. I hate doing that. I then find something hidden throughout my day that makes me inspired again. That only lasts so long. What inspires you?


    Thank you for reading this and possibly replying; hope to hear from anyone soon.



    1) Sorry, haven’t used Wani, so can’t say

    2) I aim for 30 minutes a day, sometimes, maybe once a week, a 2 hour session. But with work and other things I may do zero. That can’t be helped, no point beating yourself up about it.

    3) Having goals keeps me on track, motivated. Also, variety. Do something different, just reading or watching something, may not sound like typical study, but it is still learning.

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