Home Forums The Japanese Language A few vocab question

This topic contains 5 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Joel 10 years, 3 months ago.

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    So I often hear characters in shows saying something along the lines of “ただ だ”, ”だだだ”, “だ だった” or something of the like which is usually translated to “Then”. I’ve done a bit of searching around but have not been able to find any translation of “then” that sound like what they are saying. Am I hearing it wrong, or is it a combination of words that is throwing me off?

    Also, what does まえからならいたかった mean? I understand that ならいたかった means “wanted to learn” but what does the まえから part mean?

    Thanks a bunch in advance!



    Your first guess was correct – ただ. The dictionary says “but, however, nonetheless” but it kind of occupies the position that “well, then” or “in that case” might occupy in English.

    Not really sure what まえから is supposed to mean. You sure you heard it right? What show? Maybe I’ve got it. Or maybe find a specific example on YouTube or something?



    So it is ただ だ then. Thanks! You just saved me from so much irritating confusion.

    The まえから was actually a correction of one of my posts on Lang-8. It was written by a native speaker so I would assume it’s correct. I had originally written ながいこと ならたかった which was then corrected to まえからならいたかった.

    Here is the entire corrected sentence –



    Ah, that makes a bit more sense – it’s probably 前から – “since earlier”… though that could probably be translated a bit more smoothly.



    Thank you for all the help Joel. I am forever in your debt.



    Forever is a very long time. =P

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