Home Forums The Japanese Language A Japanese self-learning experience. 1 year Wanikani + Textfugu :-)

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Thomas Filaire 8 years, 1 month ago.

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    Dear all,
    After one year of daily Wanikani / Textfugu practice, I just published my personal experience towards Japanese learning.
    Please have a look, I’m happy to receive feedback and advice of any kind :-)
    In particular:
    - What are your best tools/ routine?
    - Completing 13 Wanikani levels in one year was quite challenging to me. What about you?
    Best regards!

    • This topic was modified 8 years, 1 month ago by  Thomas Filaire. Reason: add list


    Congrats. =)

    I must confess, I never even made it through the free levels of WaniKani – trudging through endless repetitions of the basic kanji and vocab that I learnt forever ago just got to be too much of a drag. I really should give it another stab sometime.

    For my own study tools, I’ve bought a few books in Japanese (I’m fortunate enough to live in the same city as a Kinokuniya (major Japanese book shop chain) branch). Also bought the DS version of δΊŒγƒŽε›½ in Japanese (because they elected not to release it in English) and found I was understanding it surprisingly easily. Though, learning how to read the furigana when it’s about six pixels tall was a new challenge in itself. =P

    You thinking of giving the JLPT a go?


    Hi Joel,

    Thank you for your message, glad to read you found your own resources!
    I unfortunately do not have access to Kinokuniya book stores, and I can imagine the challenge to read on such a small screen ^^.
    I am considering JLPT (4), not sure to register however as I live in Belgium and no sessions are planned here. Paris is an option, though… I’ll see!
    Best regards,

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