Home Forums TextFugu A little sad

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    So, since a lot of you have moved on what are YOU using now? Besides textfugu, and why? Are there any other communities out there worth joining?

    The WaniKani forum is quite lively and although a lot of posts are about WK specifically (duh) there are plenty of other japanese related posts and lots of people helping each other with the language. (and lots of off-topic stuff too, but you can just ignore that…)
    Anyway I think you still need an invite to join…? but if you do join, you don’t have to pay to use the forums since levels 1 and 2 are free and you can use the forums at those levels.


    @zeldaskitten: Does it use the same forum software as this place? Are there more regular users? Does Koichi actually show his face? D: Maybe I’ll wait to see if EtoEto gets a forum, that might be better :P



    No the forums at WK are waaaaay better! (different software) I mean not 100% perfect but they look prettier and there’s an extension you can download that improves on them too. (lots of API related things happen over there where the users can improve on things in the site)
    They are so lively that I usually don’t read everything. Actually I never read EVERYTHING, I’d be there ALL DAY!

    Koichi DOES show his face… but not so often. More often than here though! (meaning, it DOES happen..) I think only on posts he finds really important for the most part.. Or if we email him and demand he come on and respond to something lol.
    Viet posts more than Koichi (well, since Viet is the site programmer and all and posts updates and whatnot)

    • This reply was modified 11 years, 7 months ago by  zeldaskitten.


    I joined both WK and EtoEto, Ill check them out when I get some time to really pay attention and see what they have to offer.



    At WK, Koichi and Viet post weekly if not daily. New posts appear from users by the minute, so it’s pretty active. I just joined here as a monthly ~2 months ago. Thinking about getting forever membership, but not sure if it’s worth it in it’s current state. I love the blog-ish style of the lesson pages. But I find the anki stuff to not be as exciting as WK. That site is like a game, and I’m fully addicted. A large part of that is because of the interactivity. It’s basically like Anki but x10000 better, because it decides if an item should go up or down the SRS ladder based on if you got it correct or not, and new items are intelligently unlocked upon reaching some basic level of mastery for the predecessor.

    It’s really confusing to then re-learn radicals/kanji here, because not only is the order not the same, but the radical names are different. In a super duper magical world, we’d see some site integration: you could choose between anki or WK. In any case, some lesson quizzes would be great in place of ending ever page in “make sure you know x, y, and z before moving on”. I guess it literally is a textbook.

    Also, does anybody know what happened to tofuguTV? that stuff is hilarious.


    I wouldn’t bother with a forever membership – you’ll probably be able to blitz through all the content in less than the 6 months it takes for the price of monthly to be equal. If you’re using WK for kanji/radicals, I also wouldn’t bother using the TextFugu kanji section. It’s like he got bored with it and just decided to migrate all his great new ideas to WK instead of actually updating the stuff here, just like he moved all the intermediate content he was making for here over to EtoEto. Makes more money that way, of course :P



    From an article on tofugu togay :

    “This is something I’ve been reading up a lot on and thinking about while working on the next revisions of TextFugu (that unicorn does exist, believe it or not!). Anyways, let me share with you some of my thoughts on this, and perhaps you can apply them to your own studies right now.” -Koichi

    Have faith!

    Source: http://www.tofugu.com/2013/08/02/your-minimum-effective-dose-of-learning-japanese/


    Oh, it’s not that I don’t think it’ll *ever* come, just that it won’t come when he says it will ;) It’ll surely be a long time before any updates are finished, it always is.




    I bought the lifetime member ship a few months ago. I had finished season 1 and had been hesitant on buying the whole thing and was considering the monthly membership but during a few emails with Koichi, he mentioned a that there would probably be a summer sale in mid-June. At the time it was early June and I really wanted to jump into the next Season and he said if I bought the lifetime membership then, he’d comp me what ever the sale was. So I bought it.

    Due to several trips and family coming in and out of time and working full time during summer, I am only now just finishing Season 2 and managing to get on the forum for a bit.

    Now I’m reading all this and totally flipping out! I’m really enjoying Textfugu at the moment but if it is all going to fall apart… I don’t know if that is worth the money I spent on it.

    Should I ask for a refund then just do the monthly installments until I hit when everything falls apart? Or, do I just hope that eventually, in the future some time, it gets fixed??

    I wear pearls. I watch jdrams. I love history.

    Gustav Dahl

    Just because there aren’t going to come more updates (?) doesn’t mean that the content right now isn’t worth your money. I suggest going through the material to see if you think it’s worth it :)



    I am happy with it at the moment. I enjoy the tone and the pace is wonderful (not too fast! not too slow!) and overall I’m enjoying it.

    But, I have read in another thread that after Season 6 the high quality of Textfugu begins to slip drastically and becomes very disjointed. This along with the fact that updates (which would hopefully include fixing the later chapters) is what kind of worries me.

    I wear pearls. I watch jdrams. I love history.

    @Maria: I was just about to say “Oh, you should send him the links to these two threads and just tell him you’re a bit concerned, that there’s a bit of unrest among the forum-goers” but then I considered that I’m the most outspoken one on the matter and he might end up sending his KGB agents over to take me out D: I’m one of the longest-serving and most active members of this forum, and while I’ve gone off TextFugu itself, I still enjoy posting here; would be a shame if I were to disappear unexpectedly in the night…



    I still enjoy posting here too. Don’t even remember how far I got in TextFugu itself, but I’m fairly sure I haven’t read it all.



    We’ll see how it goes, I guess.

    Oh! Did I mention that the sale I was told that would happen in mid-june never happened? Which I didn’t mind so much during June and July since I was very happy with the product and what not.

    Now though, after all this, I’m not so happy about that either.

    @Mister: I had considered doing that but then thought better of it. I don’t want to throw anyone under any buses that they shouldn’t be thrown under though. I think though, on the other hand, I might forward his email to him about the sale and ask him what the heck happened to that.

    I wear pearls. I watch jdrams. I love history.


    I bought membership during a sale. I think I’ve easily been here long enough to have gotten my money’s worth. =)

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