Home Forums TextFugu A little sad

This topic contains 64 replies, has 20 voices, and was last updated by  Altaira 11 years, 3 months ago.

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    Yeah the next day I was sent an invite for it. They should make it a bit more clear what is happening with it.

    It was kinda like hearing about a club that some say you need an invite to and others say you simply have to pay to get into. Then rocking up to the club and the secret door has a sign on it that it won’t be open until January, so you go home and then get a message that you can come back and get in.


    It looks pretty cool. As long as it isn’t too expensive I’ll definitely continue using it. I don’t know what the pricing is as I don’t see anywhere that lists it. I imagine it will pop up once I complete level 2, as I currently have access to the first two levels.

    It’s taking forever for them to introduce the actual Kanji as they keep drilling me on the first radicals, which I already learned from TextFugu.



    Wanikani is slow at the beginning. You will notice a significant increase in material after getting past the first few levels. Unfortunately, if you’ve already been studying kanji, there is no way to skip past the ones you know.

    Pricing is
    $8 per month for beta users
    $5 per month if you have textfugu (there is coupon on textfugu page)
    $10 per month after January once beta is over

    I like wanikani and recommend it. If you already have a rhythm going with Anki though, it may not be worth it. If you do get Wanikani, I recommend checking out the unofficial apps for your phone which make doing reviews everywhere easy.

    I’m very excited to see Duolingo’s incubator starting up. It will be interesting to see how the Japanese lessons will turn out!


    Gustav Dahl

    WaniKani is definitely worth is price. Also, the website looks great visually (it actually helps as a motivation factor, I’d say) and the forum is very active :)



    Yeah, I’m at level 2 now. I like it a lot better than the TF Anki stuff.

    I’m trying to ignore the Kanji content on TF and stick to WaniKani, but it’s a bit annoying when Koichi throws Kanji I haven’t seen yet on WaniKani into the sentences decks.



    It’s now been an entire year since TextFugu was last updated with content.

    And more than 4 months for EtoEto.

    I’m guessing both projects are effectively dead now.



    yikes! at least WK is still going strong…………




    Well according to Koichi the updates currently taking place for TF are supposed to be back-end things, which may not be visible at this point. Assuming that is actually occurring.

    This is the latest thing on the update page:

    • 4 months ago

    How is the backend/frontend stuff coming along?

    • 4 months ago
    backend is slow – content related front end has been moved to etoeto.com, but if you email me I’ll get you a free forever account on it, if you’re a forever member on textfugu already

    So yeah, heard to say, but I’m not holding my breathe.



    @Elenkis: Hello again, been a while since I’ve seen you here. Yeah, you’re right, it’s been forever since anything’s actually been updated; I think all his time is on Tofugu and WaniKani. I feel pretty bad for new users that are putting down $120 without realising how dead this place is, how different it is to how it’s described in the opening spiel.



    I, too, have been away for a LONG time and this thread is very illuminating.

    I started TextFugu in early 2011 (lifetime membership). I stopped after a short while to do RTK. That took forever and when I tried TextFugu again, I couldn’t get back into the groove.

    Due to personal issues (health issues and a death in the family) I have let go of my Japanese studies for almost a year. That makes me sad.

    I have no idea how to re-start. I began to loathe ANKI, so TextFugu is probably not the way to go for me now.

    When I first previewed WaniKani way back when, it was so different from RTK, I was put off. Maybe that doesn’t matter anymore.

    • This reply was modified 11 years, 3 months ago by  Altaira.


    You don’t really have to use Anki in order to use TextFugu, even though Koichi relies on it as the method for studying, you can study however you want.

    You can make your own physical flashcards based on what he puts up on Anki or straight from the text. Or you can make lists, or whatever other methods you might choose for studying a language.

    I too had a year break and came back recently. Before I left I was only on Season 3, so I’ve started again from the start and simply skipped the things I remember and concentrated on the things I was a bit foggy with.

    In any case, were I you, I’d start again from the start and just focus on the grammar rules rather than slamming through vocab with Anki.

    I really like WaniKani, but if you hated Anki, you’ll probably start to hate WK as well, as I imagine reviews piling up is what put you off Anki, and you’ll get the same from WK.


    @Altaira: Did you ever come on the forum back then? I started around the end of 2010, got the lifetime membership just before the new year, then started RTK not long after. I’ve stuck around on the forum here the majority of that time for some strange reason, despite the fact I stopped using TextFugu probably in the Spring/Summer of 2011 because it ran out of content. missingno15 drifts in and out from time to time but nobody else is still around from when I started :/



    except MEEE!! lol, sort of :3



    @Altaira: Did you ever come on the forum back then? I started around the end of 2010, got the lifetime membership just before the new year, then started RTK not long after. I’ve stuck around on the forum here the majority of that time for some strange reason, despite the fact I stopped using TextFugu probably in the Spring/Summer of 2011 because it ran out of content. missingno15 drifts in and out from time to time but nobody else is still around from when I started :/

    @MM: I think I joined around Jan of 2011. I didn’t find this forum very friendly or helpful and only posted sporadically. Some of the members were really annoying. Like missingo15 for example. Didn’t she post in Japanese most of the time? Plus, attach annoying photos?

    I spent much more time at the RTK forum where the majority have a lot of patience and even kindness for beginners.


    @zeldaskitten: >.< ごめんなさ~~い! How could I forget you? Didn’t you join before even I did? I’m not sure…

    ” I didn’t find this forum very friendly or helpful”
    Aww :/ I must not have been posting that often then ;)

    “Didn’t he post in Japanese most of the time? Plus, attach annoying photos?”
    Yeah… I used to not like him either but he seemed to become more agreeable as time went on :P He actually recently sent me one of his old textbooks for free (I just paid for international shipping), so he’s a decent guy deep down ;) Any time anyone said the word “beginner”, he used to jump in and post the song “Beginner” by AKB48 :D

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