Home Forums 自己紹介 (Self Introduction) A loving Muslim who wants discover Japan

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Thankful Servant 7 years, 12 months ago.

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    Greetings everyone! ThankfulServant here

    A feel really privileged to have access to a resource like TextFugu that at first glance looks to really fit my style of studying a language. I am a native speaker of English and fluent in Turkish and at the same time study Arabic at my own pace when it comes to grammar and morphology and I also take a course at university to boost my conversational skills in it.

    My aspiration for studying Japanese is all built around one core idea:
    - To travel to Japan and discover the Islamic presence in the country.

    As a Muslim I constantly see that many people are simply unaware of what it means for somebody to be a Muslim and to follow the religion of Islam and to make things worse the media portrayal of my religion is not representative of who we really are as a people. I want to travel to Japan taking the knowledge I have of my religion and informing my dear fellow human beings and friends and also to connect with the existing community of Muslims that are residing there.

    So here goes everyone. Wish me all the best!





    I’ve occasionally heard it said that Japanese grammar bears some pretty striking similarities to Turkish, by pure coincidce, so you might have a leg-up there already. =)

    As I understand it most of the Muslims in Japan are foreigners.


    There are indeed similarities in the way verbs and and adjectives are inflected where it’s all about the endings and what suffix you add to change the meaning, context, tense, etc. Plus in Turkish syntax similar to Japanese the verbs are placed at the end of a sentence.

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