Home Forums 自己紹介 (Self Introduction) A mechanical engineer who happens to enjoy anime, win win

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    I’m a mechanical engineering major in a place where a lot of factories are Japanese-owned, so being both an engineer and bilingual (trilingual if you count rudimentary nonconversational but decent Spanish) would be really useful for both the job market and for fun.
    I also just enjoy the way the language sounds, and enjoy anime a lot. I’ve picked up lots of words and phrases from anime, but let’s face it – I’m not gonna learn a language fluently from cartoons.




    I’m a mechanical engineer, too. Or more specifically, I have a degree in mechanical engineering… not that I’m actually working as an engineer. =P



    Lots of mechanical engineers around here. I started it too, finished about two years, but then moved to Australia. Years gone by, lost the passion for it, and completed the course that I always truly loved (Computer Science). I don’t like things unfinished and still hoping that I will complete it one day.

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