Home Forums TextFugu A sentence in season 5 question.

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    “えいが を み に いきたかったら ”Cineplex” に いきたい です。
    If we go to see a movie, I want to go to “Cineplex.””

    (From: http://www.textfugu.com/season-5/tara/7-7/#top)

    Wouldn’t a better English version be something like ” If we want to go see a movie, I want to go to “Cineplex.” “, because of the 「いきたかったら」– ‘if want to go’?
    At first I thought 「いきたかったら」was an error because based on the English version shouldn’t it just be 「いったら」?



    You are right. It’s really a weird sentence overall though, yeah?

    えいがをみにいったら、Cineplexがいい。 Sounds better to me in both languages.



    Yeah. The written sentence is “If we want to go see a movie, I want to go to Cineplex”, which is downright clunky.

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