Home Forums The Japanese Language About "それ は ひとみさん の くるま じゃありませんでした"

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  pankeki 11 years, 9 months ago.

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    Hey all. We use それ for something the person we’re talking to has, and あれ for something away from both of us, correct?

    So I break down それ は ひとみさん の くるま じゃありませんでした into:

    That (in your possession) – topic particle – Hitomi-san – ownership particle – car – negation – past tense is

    i.e. “That (in your possession) was not Hitomi-san’s car”

    But if this is past tense, wouldn’t the car be away from us? Because I can’t think of being next to a car and saying “That was not Hitomi’s car”. If the car’s away from me but the other person has it, I still wouldn’t say that. Based on that logic, the sentence should start off with あれ. But I would probably prefer to not trust myself at this stage =P

    I’m either overthinking things, or taking translation too literally?

    • This topic was modified 11 years, 9 months ago by  pankeki.
    • This topic was modified 11 years, 9 months ago by  pankeki.


    それ can be used for something that’s psychologically close to the listener, as well as physically close. For example, it could also be something the speaker has just mentioned – “I came here in Hitomi-san’s car” “That was not Hitomi-san’s car”



    Ah, that would make sense. Thanks Joel!

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