Home Forums The Japanese Language About と思う

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Joel 11 years ago.

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    Currently in Season 6, there is something I don’t understand in the Thinking chapter.
    I saw previously (back in Season 4) that にくい and やすい were i-adjectives (http://www.textfugu.com/season-4/difficult-easy/6-4/#top).

    So the pattern with と思う is to drop the だ and put directly と思う after the i-adjectives.

    My question is : Why is there a だ in the last sentence of the review ? (http://www.textfugu.com/season-6/think/2-7/#top)

    すし は たべやすい だ と 思う

    Shouldn’t it be 「すし は 食べやすい と思う」 ?




    Yeah, I suspect it’s a typo.

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