Home Forums TextFugu Account status page?

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  BBB 13 years, 1 month ago.

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    When my monthly account long expired and I came back before deciding to upgrade my account, I decided to look around some. It seemed I was able to access most everything I could before, but since the site changed it was a bit hard for me to recognize what is member exclusive. There might be something worth worrying about if it’s true…

    While trying to figure this all out I couldn’t find any page to see my current account status. Now that I have an upgraded account I would doubly be interested in seeing one, if anything just for reassurance that things are working right.



    When your paid account expires you are able to access forum and free lessons. I had a monthly account which expired several times, so I know that first hand XD Maybe something changed with the new upgrade though. I can’t see “free” tag next to free lessons anymore.



    Yes, this was after the changes. I didn’t look too much into it or recall what I tested, so it may have just been my imagination. Something to look out for and be tested, just in case. My main concern lies with the status page. My circumstance was originally confusing as I planned to bother Koichi again, but after I reread and settled the issue, I think this would be a good way to put people at ease without asking.

    Maybe not that big of a deal, just a suggestion for the site! Ooh! You could even put a counter of how many days they have left.

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