Home Forums 自己紹介 (Self Introduction) Ahoyhoy from Aussieland!

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    Alrighty. Enough of that for now :) My name’s Jadie– I’m a Capricorn, I like long walks on the beach, pina coladas and dancing in the rain– Okay, most of that was a fib, but hi! I can’t wait to get started on learning as much Japanese as I can.

    Why do I want to learn 日本語?

    Weeeeeell, mostly because I have this dream of being able to visit (and/or move) to Japan and actually be able to converse with people in their language, rather than mine (I mean what’s the point of visiting a country if I don’t even -try- to speak the countries language?).

    I also want to get to the point where I can read books, まんが, watch あにめ, and other Japanese programs without having to use subtitles (ick) or worse, English dubbing (double ick!).

    I’m hoping that I get to know a few of you in the coming hours, days, weeks as I’m a self-confessed ‘give-upper’– without someone continually pushing me, competing against me or lording it over that they know more new words than me; my enthusiasm will peter out. I really, really don’t want that!

    So drop me a line. I don’t bite, unless you take the form of strawberry pocky and then we may have issues…

    Stay kooky,



    Hey Jadie! Welcome to TextFugu, and good luck learning Japanese!



    Nice to meet you! (よろしく!) My names Daniel, also from Aussieland.

    I know the feeling you get where if someone was pushing you, you’d definitely be able to stick it out. So stick around and if you’re feeling particularly down about your studies let us know ^^



    Hello there!
    Welcome to textfugu, and I love your reasons.

    I would be fun to go to Japan and talk to everyone in Japanese… And watch anime without subs… >.> Anyways

    Good luck with your studies, and have fun! Oh yeah I’m Armando from tacoland (Mexico).



    Welcome to TextFugu, Jadie!

    You’re strange. I think I like you.





    (Thanks so much for the warm welcome!).



    Hello Jadie!

    I like you! :)

    You pretty much state everything I agree with about languages. Yes, I’m with you for speaking the language of a country you visit. And very good point as well on the books and tv stuff… subs, mmhh? maybe, dubbing is like a pet peeve of mine! I try to run away from it as much as I can.

    So anyway, welcome and good luck with the Japanese learning.

    There's always money in the banana stand!
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