Home Forums TextFugu Almost done with Kanji

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Joel 7 years, 6 months ago.

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    I’m now at level 8.2 of the kanji and vocab decks and in a couple weeks I will probably have learned all the Textfugu Kanji. I’m starting to wonder though how I should best proceed learning more kanji after that. Are there Anki decks that continue where textfugu stopped? I know there is also Wanikani but does that have the option to mark kanji I already learned or will I have to start at the beginning?



    I haven’t spotted an option on WaniKani to mark what I already know, which is most of the reason I’ve never really taken up WaniKani (started the free lessons and got absolutely bogged down in trying not to make stupid typos of words I learnt long ago). Other than that, print kanji text books may be the way to go.

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