Home Forums The Japanese Language Anime surprise – 入口

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    So I’m in season two, Kanji 3-1. Having anki again show 入り口 and finally getting it right. Later that evening I was watching an anime. At one point a couple was standing in front of the entrance to a roller coaster, and over the doors was:


    Had a pretty good idea what it meant, but it did suggest a question to me, which I present here as I don’t have an answer:

    What’s the difference between 入口 and 入り口



    Nothing, they both mean the same thing. You can use whichever you prefer.



    Aye. There’s a few kun’yomi compound words which include hiragana between the kanji, but when they appear on signs in public, the hiragana tends to get dropped. The pronunciation and meaning are unchanged, though.

    For example, 受け付け (うけつけ), meaning “reception desk”, tends to appear on signs as 受付 instead.

    That said, take care you don’t get 入口 confused with 人口. =)


    Ah, an interesting bit of culture. Thanks.

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