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This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Matthew Sachse 12 years, 1 month ago.

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    So in the youth of my studying Japanese via TextFugu, I’ve gotten to the point where I have downloaded Anki, etc. The thing is, the Anki page of TextFugu is apparently for the original version of Anki, not 2.0. The new version is much different in layout and such, frustratingly so.

    For example, I’m not sure how to filter it just so that the first 10 kana of hiragana are the only cards used. With the old Anki, you could just “timebox”, but there is no such easy option that I can find in the new version. The Anki site, forum, and FAQ weren’t helpful for me, either.

    Does anyone else use the newer version? If so, what am I missing that makes it “easy” to filter per study, etc. Every option I try to mess with ends up screwing around my deck and study session…I’m hoping I’m just blind or am idiotic in my missing the way to do such things.

    Thanks ahead of time!



    You seem to be talking about two different things.

    Timeboxing is still available in Anki 2.0. If you selelct tools>preferences, you will see near the bottom of the window, on the Basic tab the settings for timebox time limit. If it is anything other than zero, timeboxing is turned on a message will pop up after you’ve studied for the specified time.

    However, what you seem to want is not timeboxing, but selective study. You can do this by clicking Browse and highlighting the cards you want to study, then hitting Edit>Invert Selection, and then suspending those cards. You can un-suspend them as you like later. Another way (recommended) would be just to have the program set to show reviews first (before new cards) and simply stop studying whenever a new card comes up. You can also set your new cards per day limit to zero if you want.


    Thanks for the help ^_^

    I did a hybrid of your last sentence: I deleted the deck, then downloaded it anew, and immediately set the beginning “new cards limit” to 10, then each day I studied, just increased it however many new kana I was learning until, poof, the deck was done!

    Thanks again!

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