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This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  vlgi 12 years, 6 months ago.

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    Hi everyone! I’m Jasmin, learning Japanese in hopes of living in Japan sometime in the future.

    I downloaded Anki and the textfugu ultimate vocab decks etc..

    I haven’t used Anki before so just figuring it out as I go, but anyone know why I can’t hear anything when there’s an ‘audio’ flashcard?



    Welcome to TF!

    There’s a number of things that could be, but others who may have experienced your specific problem may be able to add something more useful.

    I’ll get the easiest thing out of the way, even though you’ve likely already done it, which is playing something on Youtube to make sure your audio is indeed working first.

    If it is, reread Koichi-sama’s instructions and make sure you placed the folders in the proper locations as described. Also try hitting the audio icon at the type, so it repeats the audio, and adjust your sound to make sure you have the volume loud enough.

    Maybe others could shed more specific light… ^_^



    What version of anki?

    What Operating System?

    If you are using the release anki, there should be an anki folder with subfolders for each of your decks, in which should be an media folder. Make sure the media files are there and can be played.

    Also if you have downloaded the files from tf they are zipped, importing then before unzipping won’t work properly. Make sure you unzip the file, then import from the unzipped folder.


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