Home Forums Tips, Hacks, & Ideas For Learning Japanese Anki deck: does it exist?

This topic contains 5 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  ウィル 13 years, 9 months ago.

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    Hello, I was thinking about creating an Anki deck where side “1″ plays the audio for the kana without showing any symbols, and then side “2″ shows the hiragana and katakana characters. This would give you practice in writing the kana after hearing them… obviously. I figure it’s about 45 minutes worth of work, but before I get started… has anyone done this already? Thanks!



    If you go to File>Download>Shared deck… and maybe search for something like “Kana”, you should be able to find if someone has done it already :)

    I learned my kana before I knew about Anki, so I wouldn’t know if there is or not.



    Thanks for the speedy reply.

    For anyone who is interested, the deck “The Kana with Sounds” is just what I was looking for.



    Actually, I ended up modifying こいちさんの deck… so it presents the user with a sound and it’s written equivalent in Romaji (e.g. “ke”) and then the user is supposed to write the corresponding hiragana and katakana characters (e.g. け and ケ ), which are then presented on the back of the Anki flash card. In other words, it’s writing practice instead of reading practice.



    Just a side note, I think your name would look better as ウィル (small イ) – while it’s not really anything major, 「ウィ」 is kind of one single kana for the “wi” sound. To type that, just use “x/l + kana you need small version of”.

    e.g. xi or li = ぃ・ィ
       xyu or lyu = ゅ・ュ
       xtsu/tu or ltsu/tu = っ・ッ

    Only works for vowels, ya/yu/yo and tsu.

    Also, you can type va/vi/vu/ve/vo to get the special kana ヴァ・ヴィ・ヴ・ヴェ・ヴォ.

    Edit: Hold on a sec, you can actually just type “wi” for ウィ XD Much simpler :P

    Second edit: Oh, and it also works for ヶ (which I think is pronounced “ka”).



    Hey, thanks, turns out Mac interprets “wi” directly as “ウィ”, I should have guessed. Thanks for the suggestion. (Updating user name now…)


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