This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  thisiskyle 12 years, 8 months ago.

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    So I seem to start an ungodly amount of threads.. Sorry about that.

    I just need answers to my burning questions.. NAOW

    Soon I’m going to start on my 2000 base Kanji – I’d like to start it as early as I can, in the sense that I’m only just over half way through textfugu. I’m developing my learning method (RTK with my own mnemonics) – I find vocab SO much easier to remember when I learn it with Kanji rather than just Hiragana.. ANYWAY! I just need some recommendations of Anki Decks for jyoyou – I’ve got all my lovely Radicals down, I now just want to start bashing out 10-15 Kanji (meanings) a day and then applying that to some Vocab work.

    Any help would be appreciated.



    Instead of Anki you can use for RTK, the only problem is it’s not updated to the latest version of the book so you’re going to be a little mixed up and you’ll end up missing some kanji out. All that means is you’ll have to learn around 100 or so left out kanji, but that’s pretty easy if you think about it.

    The website goes along fairly well with the book, it’s only later on (1600+ I think) where you’ll notice a few kanji here and there that are in the book, but not on the website.



    You do use your own mnemonics for much of RTK. He only provides them for a small number. Other than that you are encouraged to create your own. Just search RTK or Remembering the Kanji (1+3) in the shared decks and download the one with the most downloads. You can just suspend the RTK3 cards if 3000+ is more that you want to study. You won’t get all the joyou kanji since that deck is based on the old list but it’s most of them, and unless you are planning on taking a test that is specifically a joyou kanji test, knowing exactly which are and which aren’t on the official list is kind of meaningless.

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