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This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Justin 10 years, 6 months ago.

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    black jack

    Now I have this problem: A while ago I figured out how to import decks into another decks (I had to rename the new folder after the deck I was trying to import it into, same with the .anki file) but then it happens that the media doesn´t play at all! I don´t even know how to pronunce some words and I´m getting pretty messed up. I made sure the .anki file is in the same folder as the media but it happens that when I´m trying to import the whole folder it´ll only let me open the .anki file:

    1) First I open the vocab deck (because I recently figured out how to import decks into another decks, “vocab” is empty)
    2) Then I proceed to import: I go to desktop/vocab (the new folder)
    3) It´ll only let me open it so I face myself with all the .mp3 files (I can´t select them all, even if I select just one, an error will pop out in the anki program) so the only thing I can do is open the .anki file (that I also named like “vocab” to make sure it will be imported into the vocab deck)

    Doing this will make that the “.anki” file is the only thing I imported so the media still won´t play (because I haven find a way to import it along with the .anki file, probably).

    Please someone help! I´m pulling my hair out of the desesperation!!



    Every time I import new cards into Anki, I import them into a new deck. Then after they are imported, I select “Browse” I select all of the cards I just imported and I choose “Change Deck” and move them into whatever deck I want. The audio files always move with it. So I’ve never imported cards directly into an existing deck, but I’ve never had problems with the audio files. So maybe the extra minute it takes to manually move the cards is worth it.

    Hope this helps!



    When you import decks to other decks you should do it the way Amarkyea does it, although you don’t need to have a whole separate deck for it.

    You shouldn’t have to rename any files or folders. Just go Browse, click the deck you want to move, select all the cards, Change Deck, select the destination. I’ve been wanting to spend some time deconstructing Anki for a while (I have the source code and everything, just no time) to see exactly how it points at things, but I assume that when you rename files outside of Anki, you’ve broken the association. I haven’t had any problems with mp3′s though so there may be more at work. I just don’t have an answer rooted in experience. Other than to try importing cards in a different way.

    I haz a blog http://maninjapanchannel.wordpress.com/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qLQzB-1u-dg
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