Home Forums TextFugu Anki- Search all decks?

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  vanandrew 12 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #37520

    Eric Bates


    One more quick question- in Lang 8 posts I’ve been trying to use vocab from Anki instead of just new words from Denshi Jisho, so I’ll frequently search my anki decks to check spelling or if I can’t remember a word. The only thing is, sometimes I don’t remember which deck a word is in- is it in “Textfugu Vocab” or “Ultimate vocab?” So i’ll have to search through multiple decks to find a word. Is it possible to search all decks at once?





    I think you can only ‘browse’ one at a time, not sure how you’d do multiple

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