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This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  vanandrew 11 years, 8 months ago.

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    So I opened up Anki and it told me there was an update for Anki (version 2.0.8).  I haven’t downloaded the update yet because I don’t know/haven’t heard if my old decks will be compatible.  And if so, will my already-downloaded decks transfer to this updated Anki or will I have to manually move them or re-download them or something?  I feel like I don’t really know anything.  :(

    When the “update available” notice appeared, I did click the “update now” button just to try it, and it sent me to the Anki website where it wants me to download Anki.  Um, but it’s already downloaded?  So will I have to uninstall the old Anki?  Why isn’t there just a nice “click this button to update the Anki you already have” button?!

    Sorry if that was a lot, but any help or knowledge would be appreciated.  Thanks!


    Or maybe I meant to say the newest version is 2.0.11.  Sorry.  At one point the Anki website says “the latest version is 2.0.8″ but elsewhere it talks about versions beyond that…



    I don’t think you have to uninstall it – I don’t recall doing that with the last update they did.

    With the last update I did it just to stop that darn message appearing (there was no other option).

    I’m not sure what difference is in the latest version. If you’re happy with the version you’ve got, you don’t have to upgrade.

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