Home Forums TextFugu Anki with lubuntu 13.04

This topic contains 8 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  gwen armStrg* 11 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #40793

    hey! i am having trouble with anki – in most of my deks the audio files are not working -  i put everything into the anki file and so on – its so wired – because some do work – is anyone also using anki with ubuntu (i use lubuntu 13.04) … maybe it has something to do with that … i also tried to delete everything and loaded all deks back in etc – hmmm — I’m happy for any advice! learning without the audio is sooo much less fun

    gwen armStrg*

    gwen armStrg*


    i’m using ubuntu 12.04 with anki 2.0 and haven’t had any audio problems.  what decks don’t work and which ones do?


    the last deck i loaded was “basic Nouns 2″ there the sound wont work as well – right now only the sound is working with the sentence decs 1-4 – so i dont really know what to do – maybe i try installing anki again – but i doubt that helps — but lets see — still i do welcome any ideas —

    gwen armStrg*


    Do any of the cards in the Basic nouns 2 deck have sound or do all of the cards not have sound?

    If they all don’t have sound then the Basic nouns 2.media files (which are .mp3 files for each of the words) are not getting imported into anki.  If some of the cards have sound and some don’t then I have no idea what’s going on.


    they all have no sound – silent as a mouse — i put them into the Anki folder and i even tried to creat folder within the anki folder for each deck, so the media folder and the deck are together in one folder – but thats not helping eather — but ok – i try to reinstal anki now —

    gwen armStrg*

    sooo – i tried to re-instal anki, both from the software center and from the homepage – both ways- its still not working – only the sentences decks – i really dont get it – - – are there any special plug ins to be installed besides the japanese?

    kind regards –
    かぼじゃ じゃありません

    gwen armStrg*


    Sounds like you’re doing all the rigbt things. I don’t know why it’s not working. Maybe some others might be able to offer some suggestions. Sorry.


    ありがと anyway — thanks for trying!

    gwen armStrg*

    sooo – for everyone who reads the post. i tried to install anki on windows now – all sound files work perfectly, then i installed it on another laptop with lubuntu – the same problem – so i guess it has something to do with lubuntu – until i found out what – i shall use windows – damn how i hate to say that – it really is a bit depressing…

    anyway – if anyone still got any idea – just let me know!

    gwen armStrg*
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