Home Forums The Japanese Language Another Q from a green horn.

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    Hello, I was just wondering as to when you use On’yomi and Kun’yomi, or rather when do you apply this to the kanji? I’ve read sooooo many articles and things alike, that it actually did me no good, but instead made things worse for me. I’ve confused myself entirely, and need a confirmation from a more than experienced Japanese linguist. I know that there are exceptions and all that, but when to read it is what I really need. All I can ask is that you please know what you’re talking about. Everyone’s response is and will be greatly appreciated!



    Rule of thumb is kun’yomi when it’s alone, and on’yomi when it’s part of a compound kanji, but yeah, there’s practically more exceptions than there are words than follow the rule. (Though the exception to the “always exceptions” rule is that kanji followed by okurigana – i.e. hiragana permanently attached, like verb endings or whatever – is always the kun’yomi.)

    Rather than learning “this reading goes here, this reading goes here”, a better way to learn it would be to learn vocab. “This word is read like this.” You start to get something of a feel for it over time, but learn words rather than rules.


    Don’t waste too much time learning readings – they come naturally as you learn more vocab.

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