Home Forums 自己紹介 (Self Introduction) Another Stater to TextFugu

This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  Vladimir Ivanovic 12 years, 2 months ago.

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    Hey everyone,

    As much as I felt this was a cheesy task and I haven’t participated in a forum in a long time, I thought that just the first part of the first Season (and Koichi’s email when I first replied, holy crap it was hilarious) was inspiring enough to take part and post this.

    So… Why am I learning Japanese?

    Most importantly, I am learning because of my Partner. I want to improve and be able to live and partake in her society, talk with her friends and be a part of her world.
    I also want to continue what I studied over so many years at school and University (Primary, Middle and High School, plus two years at University), I want to go the whole way and become really good at something rather than just average.


    Maybe these aren’t great ideas, maybe they’re excellent. I’m not really sure but I’m glad to be giving it another shot as I haven’t studied Japanese formally for two years.


    I hope all of you that have come before me are doing really well and you all really love what you’re doing. Keep up the good work, the spirit and as they would say “Ganbatte ne!”

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