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This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Joel 9 years, 2 months ago.

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    So, I’m working with some practice sentences and it asked me to translate this sentence to Japanese. “Because I’m a cat, I ran away from the dog” The translation it gives is 「ねこだたら。。。」. That makes sense in a way that the わたしは is assumed, which I have seen loads of times, but it could also be translated to “Because it’s a cat”. If I’m looking at the Japanese only, how can I tell if it says “It is” or “I am”? Or is the only way to tell from context?



    Context. Japanese is a much more contextual language than English, which can often make translating sentences in isolation quite difficult.

    Though if I were translating that sentence, I’d start with 吾輩は猫であるから. Bit of a literary joke, there. =P

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