Home Forums 自己紹介 (Self Introduction) Back from the abyss?

This topic contains 4 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  Hashi 13 years, 7 months ago.

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    ‘Ello everybody,

    I was on here back up to October or so last year, but real life issues waylaid my attention away from Textfugu, so I just recently resubscribed ( Thanks Koichi ;) ). Anyways, I figure I better re-introduce myself :P.

    I’m just run-of-the-mill CS major, whose pretty laid back and does just about everything I can. The short reason I want learn Japanese is that I want to cut out the middleman on the games and other media I consume and not rely on the fickle winds of fortune(and SCEA :P) to grace the things I want to play. More rationales than that, but that will do for now, I suppose :P.

    Anyhow, Hope to have fun studying with you all.



    Welcome back!

    Good luck learning Japanese. Lets hope real life doesn’t get in the way again!


    Welcome (back) to Textfugu!

    Yeah, I so wish I was a full time student again… I spend so much time at work that I feel could be spent more productively at home doing something more interesting ;P Try slotting just 10 or 15mins a day in if you’re busy. That’s what I do now and studying Japanese is more of a habit than anything.

    Good luck with your studies ^_^



    Hello! Good luck with your studies.



    Welcome back, and good luck studying!

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