Home Forums The Japanese Language Big thread of Questions and スタッフ

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    O.k. given that I ask a lot of questions and am starting to get lazy and don’t want to flood the forum with like 100 posts, I have decided to make this thready thing…..
    O.k. so, I have a question: Does “はい、これは正しい” mean “Yes, that is correct.” or would I have to end with ます and change ただしい to ただす (in order for the given English meaning to hold true)?


    How about you rename it to “Joel’s help desk” seeing how he is the only one who cares about answering question which can easily be looked up online?

    How to look up words as a beginner:

    1. go to your dictionary of choice

    2. search for example sentences.

    3. look at the example sentences, and see how the word is used in context.

    233 example sentences on Jisho, if that ain’t enough there are plenty of other resources for example sentences out there.



    Threads to refer to for help



    (the has no search function so there is no way you would know they exist – which is why I posted them here)



    Thank you for the links.


    “Joel’s help desk” – HA! Too true :P

    I was also going to suggest posting in the “How do I say?” and “I found some Japanese I don’t understand” threads; thankfully, Mark has taken the time to sift through pages and pages for them :D They should really be stickied or something…

    As for your question: depending on the context of what you’re saying, you might want to change to “kore” to “sore”, since I’m assuming the speaker is talking about something another person has done. In basic terms, kore = this / sore = that / are = that (over there, away from both participants of the conversation). However, I’m not sure where you’re coming from with “or would I have to end with ます and change ただしい to ただす (in order for the given English meaning to hold true)?” Could you rewrite the sentence with that change so we can see, just since I’m not really sure what you’re meaning, sorry.



    Could you rewrite the sentence with that change so we can see, just since I’m not really sure what you’re meaning, sorry.

    I think I was trying to ask if it would be “はい、これは正すます”… but I see now that that would probably make little sense (something like, “yes, that is to correct”? or would is it another meaning?)



    正しい = adjective – something is correct

    正す = verb – to correct something; as in, it was wrong, and now I’m correcting it. ます form, incidentally, is 正します.

    The adjective is the correct word to use in this statement – you’re describing the correctness of the fact.

    But yeah, that was kinda straight from the dictionary. =P

    *Gives Mark a pat*


    Yeah, I had a feeling you meant 正すます, but as Joel says, 正します is the correct verb.



    They should really be stickied or something…

    Ask and thou shalt receive. ;)

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