Home Forums 自己紹介 (Self Introduction) Bonjour from Lyon – France

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Alexandra May 11 years, 1 month ago.

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    Hello fellow companions!

    Okay, so it’s kind of a big step for me! Foreign languages have been some kind of my pet peeves (as you’ll see with my poor english. I apologize for that, by the way.), but this time I’m determined, and I’m going to put great efforts.

    The complete name is Alexandra, french soon to be thirty years old (yeah, I know, ugh), kind of a procrastinator but I’m working on it, Roller Derby Player, cinema and book lover, and brand new fan of Gacharic Spin.

    I want to learn japanese, first because it’s an old dream of mine that I’ve never actually achieved. Second, I also became quite fond of J-Rock, especially bands such as Gacharic Spin, Doll$boxx, the 5 6 7 8’s, and I would like to understand their lyrics. Third : I plan to go (for travel or something else) in Japan one day, and I’d like to be able to understand and speak the language.

    Looking forward to learn with you all!



    • This topic was modified 11 years, 1 month ago by  Alexandra May.


    Hi. Nice to meet you. My English is poor too, don’t of that as a barrier. You are here to learn Japanese. I didn’t know the bands you mentioned there even though I listen to some j-rock too. I can mention Misaruka, Diaura and Versailles.
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    • This reply was modified 11 years, 1 month ago by  Cimmik.


    Welcome to TextFugu!

    Yeah, don’t worry about your English, it’s fine. I’ve taught English to second language learners and though I could tell by your post that you aren’t a native speaker, it was good enough that if you hadn’t said it, it could have been passed off as normal typos from a native speaker.




    Hi Cimmik, nice to meet you too!

    Thank you for the encouragements, I’ll do my best and try not to get moody on my bad conversation. You’re right! Let’s focuse on Japanese!

    I must admit, I’m not that verse into J-Rock. I just happen to saw some posts on Tumblr, did a little of research, and fall in love with kick-ass all-girls rock bands. I have to give it a try on other bands too, though. Thanks for the tip.



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