Home Forums TextFugu Cant figure out what ive done wrong with google IME

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    So I’m up to ‘Typing in Katakana’ textfugu page. Yesterday i installed google IME and went through the hiragana page and all the typing worked awesomely, correct in using it phonetically. Pressing ‘a’ would bring up あ and typing ‘ka’ would bring up か.
    But today as i follow the instructions on how to type katakana, i select hiragana on my windows language tool bar thing and pressing the ‘a’ key gives me ち, pressing the ‘t’ key gives me か.

    I’m pretty confused.
    Should i just reinstall it? I’m pretty sure i didnt touch any of the settings.

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    Well, I can tell you what’s happened, but not why it happened, or how to fix it. Basically your keyboard’s been switched from romaji entry to direct hiragana entry – each key on the keyboard represents a kana character. If you had a Japanese keyboard, these kana would be painted on the keys (along with the English letters).

    I was thinking you may have pressed some combination of hotkeys that changed the input method, but Googling hasn’t turned up any results for me. Maybe someone else will know…



    Ok well this is inconsistent. I just got home and turned the computer back on and its back to normal…. lol

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    Ah yeah, rebooting usually resets the IME. I should have thought of that first. Did I learn nothing from The IT Crowd? =P



    I love that show!

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