Home Forums TextFugu Casual adjectives

This topic contains 7 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  kanjiman8 12 years, 5 months ago.

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    Hey guys,

    I was doing the worksheets at this page. While finishing the second worksheet (casual の), one answer provided is different from my answer, but I’m not sure which one is correct. It is the question 10 (and answer 9).

    The worksheet asks us to translate English into casual Japanese.

    Q10. This train is big

    My answer was: この でんしゃ は 大きい。
    The answer provided in the worksheet is: この でんしゃ は 大きい だ。

    大きい is an i-adjective, isn’t it?

    In this case, to transform to casual japanese, shouldn’t we do:
    この でんしゃ は 大きい です ー> この でんしゃ は 大きい (dropping the です altogether, without transforming it into a だ)

    Instead of:
    この でんしゃ は 大きい です ー> この でんしゃ は 大きい だ (like we would do with na-adjectives, converting into だ)

    Casual i-adjectives page: http://www.textfugu.com/season-5/casual-adj/2-5/#top

    Does anybody have a clue?




    You’re right. Koichi has made a mistake there. There should be no だ in that sentence. I double checked what he wrote in that chapter on casual adjectives:

    “Good so far? With casual i-adjectives, all you need to do is remove the です. That’s it. End the sentence there and don’t look back. So, if you want to make the above sentences “casual” all you have to do is remove the です.”

    He also wrote that Nouns and Na Adjectives conjugate the following ways:

    Present/Positive: だ
    Past: だった
    Negative: じゃない
    Past Negative: じゃなかった

    On the worksheet you can add a label and put in the correct sentence.



    Will do.
    I don’t know if Koichi/Hashi has the time for it, but it would be great if that was fixed so as to not confuse anyone.

    Thank you very much kanjiman8.



    Your welcome. V3 of TF is in the works so they may be waiting til then to fix all the mistakes/errors with Kanji, Vocab, missing audio, decks, etc.



    I can’t fix it because Koichi has all of the master copies of the worksheets, but be sure to shoot him an email about it (koichi@textfugu.com).



    Just sent him an e-mail.

    Thanks Hashi.



    Just to drag up this old thread but also in this section, the worksheet on  にくい/やすい gives examples using the はparticle where I’d expect to see the を particle, e.g

    さしみ は たべやすい




    @ Neil

    That actually isn’t a mistake. Read Tae Kim’s site to understand it better http://www.guidetojapanese.org/learn/grammar/easyhard. I too thought it was a mistake until someone showed me it. Koichi should state this in the chapter.


    A snippet from that page:

    “This is a short easy lesson on how to transform verbs into adjectives describing whether that action is easy or difficult to do. Basically, it consists of changing the verb into the stem and adding 「やすい」 for easy and 「にくい」 for hard. The result then becomes a regular i-adjective. Pretty easy, huh?”

    • This reply was modified 12 years, 5 months ago by  kanjiman8.
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