Home Forums 自己紹介 (Self Introduction) "Celadon! stick to the plan" they said…

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    … from then on I realised I wasn’t free just yet, that to comply was my only option.

    And so, hello!

    It would invoke a smile if you would call me Celadon.

    I hope to not be a burden, though the inevitability of such bothers me…



    That’s not true al all! Choosing to comply is optional (the higher-ups will choose for you if you don’t decide wisely.)

    And welcome. No need to be bothered; the only inevitability around here is meeting someone called Joel.




    LOL about Joel… he’s a great resource if you have specific Japanese questions.

    Celadon – welcome and good luck with your studies!



    “I hope to not be a burden, though the inevitability of such bothers me…” – why include a line like that? A self-introduction is supposed to be a happy affair; that just makes you sound miserable and trying too hard to be “deep” :P Hello and welcome, anyway, sorry if I caused offence haha.

    And yes, you’ll meet Joel soon enough… they ALL do…

    (…in a good way of course – he strives to be helpful at all costs :D)



    It’s not inevitable. I could just avoid posting in any of his threads.

    Ah, wait… D’oh.


    I have to admit, though, I was wondering why calling you a shade of blue would make you smile. =)



    “ miserable and trying too hard to be “deep”” Hahaha, in hindsight it does appear that way..

    And Celadon is my last name.

    You’re a bit of an inside joke it seems Joel.. xD

    That aside, it’s sick to meet you all, you sound like a fun bunch. :]






    No, I’m just a rather prolific poster. =)


    erwin gomez

    and a cat . jejeje



    erwin gomez


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