Home Forums The Japanese Language Changing verbs from 'To _____' into its stem.

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  MattR 10 years, 4 months ago.

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    Hi, I’m currently on season 4, chapter 5-5. With the nominal adjectives, an example sentence was used.

    水 を いっぱい 入れました

    What caught my eye was that I learned 入れる as part of my kanji vocab deck. Since 入れる means ‘to insert’, does one get the stem form of a verb by removing the る from the ‘to _____’ form so ます, ました, じゃありません or じゃありませんでした could be added? Or is this topic covered in a future lesson I haven’t reached yet?

    Black tea - Best tea.


    Uh….TF doesn’t cover this before season 4?

    Look at this site. Lesson 2 and lesson 3 address your question specifically, but the site as a whole is a very good resource for getting started with verbs.



    TextFugu covers it in season five: http://www.textfugu.com/season-5/dict-verbs/

    Short answer: you’re correct in this case, but only because 入れる happens to be a る-verb. There’s two types of verbs in Japanese (and two irregular verbs) and they conjugate differently. =)



    Alright, thank you for the help. I was worried that there mightn’t a lesson for that.

    Black tea - Best tea.
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