Home Forums The Japanese Language Chapter 2 practice question pronunciation

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    So I was going through the practice sentences for chapter 2 (found here) by seeing if I could pronounce the sentence, understand it and then listen to the audio to see if it matched my pronunciation.
    (when I play the audio for these two)
    一人 [一 (one) + 人 (person) = ひとり (kun’yomi reading)] でした
    二人 [二 (two) + 人 (person) = ふたり (kun’yomi reading)] でしたか?
    (it is correct)

    (but when I play this one)
    七人 [七 (seven) + 人 (person) = ななり (kun’yomi reading)] じゃありません
    (it doesn’t match the audio even though it should follow the same pattern)
    (am I missing something, does it have something to do with the inflection [tense] that proceeds it, or am I mishearing it?)



    七人 = しちにん

    The pattern for number+人 is actually on’yomi + にん – 一人 and 二人 are the freaky exceptions that break that pattern, though Koichi never seems to mention it clearly.

    That said, because 七 is a weird one in that its readings tend to be fairly interchangeable, ななにん is not unheard-of. 四 is the same, to a lesser extent (四人 = よにん, probably because しにん = 死人 = corpse).

    一人 = ひとり
    二人 = ふたり
    三人 = さんにん
    四人 = よにん
    五人 = ごにん
    六人 = ろくにん
    七人 = しちにん
    八人 = はちにん
    九人 = きゅうにん
    十人 = じゅうにん
    十一人 = じゅういちにん
    et cetera



    thanks, makes sense now

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