Home Forums The Japanese Language Check my sentences for grammar?

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Matthew Pointer 9 years, 4 months ago.

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    I just got to the end of the adjectives section in season 4, and I did the final worksheet. If anyone wants to practice their reading and give me feedback on my grammar, it’d be much appreciated!

    1.このう は よかった です。
    2.こわくなかった えいが お みました。
    3.のほんご の せんせい は わかくない です。
    4.ともだち は ばか じゃりません。
    5.ときょう は きれい ですね。
    6.おおきい ときょう に いきます!
    7.さちこさん は はで ですよ!
    8.この すし は やすくなかった です!
    9.あの すし は たかい です。
    10.きょうと は ちかくない です。

    Notice any grammatical errors? Thank you



    No grammar issues, just spelling. =P

    Specifically, in 3, the お should be を, in 4, じゃりません should be じゃありません, in 5 and 6, ときょう should be とうきょう (unless you MEANT to say “piece of wood supporting deeply receded eaves, especially in temple construction”), and I’m fairly sure the このう in 1 should be きのう, but I’m not completely certain there.


    Thank you! Very helpful, all of your spelling corrections were correct (including the ones you kinda had to guess what I was saying haha!) appreciate it!

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