Home Forums The Japanese Language [Checking this sentence to describe weather...]

This topic contains 7 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Joel 10 years, 8 months ago.

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    sui (6/11):
    kyou no tenki wa hare tokidoki ame desu.

    すい (6/11):
    きょう の てんき は はれ ときどき あめ です.

    I am wondering if it is put together properly or an appropriate way to express weather that is sunny and rainy on and off. I don’t know any kanji yet (just started learning Japanese this week.)

    Thank you!



    Are you asking us to check the grammar or the vocab? Because it looks fine to me. Not entirely sure how often you’d have cause to say “sunny with occasonal rain”, though. =P


    “Because it looks fine to me.”

    Really? Can you just join the two together like that? はれ ときどき あめ doesn’t look right to me. Maybe make it はれ で ときどき あめ, or stick a comma in there instead. I’m not sure, but it doesn’t seem correct as it is.



    Nah, that’s how you talk about the weather.

    くもりときどきあめ = cloudy with occasional rain
    あめのちはれ = sunny after rain

    No idea if that’s some sort of shorthand that’s developed over time, but that’s how it is. =)


    You learn something new every day :)
    Now, if I could just learn a second new thing about Japanese today, that would be great. The fact I haven’t yet shows I should really get some more studying done…




    You’ll like this website!


    Thank you very much for the answers! I’ll check out lang-8 too! :3



    No problem. Incidentally, here’s an example of weather reports in action:


    Not sure if they’ll still be there when you look at the page, but there are several examples of the X時々Y form on it right now. =)

    Sadly, Asahi Shimbun’s weather page ( http://weather.asahi.com/ ) uses symbols rather than text, though it’s still read the same – a slash (/) between weather icons is read as ときどき, while a right arrow (→) is read as のち.

    A pipe (|) is 一時 (though I’m not sure if that’s read as いちじ or ひととき) and means “for a short time”. Never actually encountered that before. So くもり 一時 雨 would be something like “cloudy with a brief shower” or something.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 8 months ago by  Joel.
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