Home Forums TextFugu Common Errors in TextFugu

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    I already knew about へ before I started TF, so it didn’t stand out to me, but someone else mentioned this as well. So yes that likely is an error.



    I think I found another error.

    In season 6 lesson 9 (http://www.textfugu.com/season-6/passive/9-4/#top)

    You are asked to convert 入れる to passive form.

    The answer is given as 入られる (in the audio it’s also はいられる)
    Wouldnt it be いれられる? As in being inserted. 入られる doesnt really make sense.
    Does はいる even have a passive form? How can you make a passive out of ‘to enter?’



    Somewhere during Season 5, there should be something telling you to add the Ultimate Vocab Deck 3 to Anki. This apparently doesn’t happen anywhere in the text, so you end up adding Deck 2, then Deck 4.

    Deck 3 can be found here:


    It is actually there in the text, but due to an incorrect next page link it get’s skipped. The Skipped page is Season 5 level 3-8. You can click on it from the lesson menu and see it or just go here. http://www.textfugu.com/season-5/dict-verbs/3-8/ Makes me wonder how many other pages have been skipped along the way.

    Not trying to turn this into a complaint thread, I mean I should be completely done by now, but TF has been down hill since season 3. Things like this really make me want to ask for my money back but I keep holding out hope for the update.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 9 months ago by  Xalphenos.


    In my ‘Radicals 5′ anki deck, the radical for ‘Run’ is different to the one listed on the textfugu kanji page. Textfugu kanji page= 走 Anki= 疋

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    Aye, that was brought up on the previous page. 走 is the correct radical – 疋 is possibly a simplified version, which he references in his explanation of but never actually explains explicitly.

    Not sure it actually is a simplified version in real-world etymology, though.



    In season 5 level 5-5, I came across this sentence in the Hazu practice sheet:

    この マクドナルド は きれい はず が ない
    I have no expectation that this McDonalds will be clean.

    I’m not sure if it’s a typo, but shouldn’t there be a な after きれい? Or does that rule not apply anymore since it’s describing what’s not expected?

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 8 months ago by  Meiix3.


    It’s a typo. はず is still a noun, even when it’s はずがない. =)


    And having taught English to non-native learners in both the US and AUS, I know if I listed it as ‘tu’ and ‘du’ some would read that as ‘tuh’ and ‘duh’.

    I actually read ‘tu’ and ‘du’ as ‘toe’ and ‘doe’. O-O

    Excalibuuuuur. Excalibuuuuur.


    Season 5, Chapter 7, page 7. Is there an error in the following sentence…
    If we go to see a movie, I want to go to “Cineplex.”
    えいが を み に いきたかったら ”Cineplex” に いきたい です。

    I thought the ta-form of to-go いく is いった ? So should the first verb in this sentence read
    いったら? Or am I missing something?



    Hmm. yea. I would say いったら too but I’m not the one to judge it to be right or wrong.



    いきたかった = past tense of いきたい

    So yeah, either the translation is wrong or the word is wrong.



    Another question on Season 5 Chapter 7 page 7:

    I need some help understanding the grammer in the following sentance, specifically the particle usage.

    えいご だったら かんたん に わかります

    かんたん is an adjective right? … I’m assuming a な- adjective and it’s being used to describe how he’ll understand. Why is the particle に used between the adjective and verb in this case? I’m not following the grammer.



    な-adjective + に = adverb.

    簡単に = easily.

    That’s covered in season four, lesson five. =)

    P.S. It’s “grammar”. Grammer is an actor. =)



    Thanks! I must’ve slept through that lesson…but it’s all coming back now :)



    Okay, so I’m having trouble locating this error, as it occurs a couple of times, if it is even an error.

    season 1 and 2

    Anyway, there is some inconsistency with “eight” and “volcano” in the anki decks and in the actual lessons.

    In the anki deck “kanji vocab 2.1″ eight is shown as 八[はち]. In the radicals deck Volcano is shown as 八. I’m with you so far Koichi, but I get confused when
    http://www.textfugu.com/radical/volcano/ this shows volcano with a flat top and when http://www.textfugu.com/kanji/%E5%85%AB/#top is also with a flat top. Is this just because it’s a font thing, where eight can be both with and without a flat top? If so, why does the fins radical look like 八, but isn’t the same as the volcano?

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