Home Forums TextFugu Common Errors in TextFugu

This topic contains 70 replies, has 25 voices, and was last updated by  Joel 9 years ago.

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    So I’m guessing it’s a font thing, as all of my fins looking eights just got a flat top on them when I posted.. xd



    Yeah, it’s a font thing. Characters like 入 and 冷 can also look different depending on font as well.

    In the case of “volcano” and “fish legs”, the difference is a bit arbitrary – many other lists of radicals don’t differentiate between them at all. That said, “fish legs” tends to appear at the bottom of kanji, while “volcano” tends to appear at the top.



    Hello fellow TextFugu users!

    I’m relatively new to the site (this is in fact my first post to the forums) and in my usage of TextFugu I’ve come across some confusing information concerning kanji. As I was reviewing the kanji, some kanji, such as the kanji for “mouth” (http://www.textfugu.com/kanji/%E5%8F%A3/#top), provides confusing explanations on when the kun’yomi and on’yomi readings should be used. The vocabulary entry for “mouth” tells the reader that when the kanji character is by itself the kun’yomi reading is the reading that should be used but later on, in the vocabulary entry for “entrance”, the explanation states that the kun’yomi is used even though there is hiragana attached to the kanji.
    I was further confused with the kanji for “evening” (http://www.textfugu.com/kanji/%E5%A4%95/#top) because it supports the statement that a kanji attached to hiragana employs the kun’yomi reading. I’m not quite sure if this is a mistake or if I’m simply missing something but if this could be set straight, I would greatly appreciate it! Thanks a ton in advance!



    Yeah, this is one of the bits where Koichi just confuses things. Kanji with okurigana (stapled-on hiragana used to indicate verb and adjective endings) always, always uses the kun’yomi, no exceptions. It’s the exception to the “all rules have exceptions” rule in Japanese. =)

    That said, it doesn’t quite apply for 夕べ, because the べ isn’t okurigana. It just happens to use kun’yomi. =P



    Don’t know if its been mentioned but the kanji page for ‘Ride’ (http://www.textfugu.com/kanji/%E4%B9%97/)
    has the same meaning and reading description as the kanji page for ‘Article’ (http://www.textfugu.com/kanji/%E5%93%81/).

    How much does it cost to travel the world? Take a look: https://abackpackersaccount.wordpress.com/


    Thanks, Joel! That really clears things up!

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 10 months ago by  Eduardo.

    Jessica Cole

    Hi guys!

    Bit new to this so may just be me but season 2, chapter 4 practice page the second to last example sentence (七人 じゃありません) the audio doesn’t even vaguely match what I expected and doesn’t match any of the other readings of the kanji that I can find on the kanji page either? Am I missing something or is it an incorrect audio clip? I expected “nanari”?

    Also did I miss 人 being explained as that’s just started cropping up in sentences and anki decks with no explanation beyond the radical page for it?



    七人 = しちにん

    Basically, 一人 and 二人 are the weird exceptions, but Koichi never seems to mention that – from three and up it’s (mostly) on’yomi+にん.

    三人 = さんにん
    四人 = よにん (kun’yomi, because しにん = 死人 = corpse)
    五人 = ごにん
    六人 = ろくにん
    七人 = しちにん (can occasionally appear as ななにん, because 七 is weird)
    八人 = はちにん
    九人 = きゅうにん
    十人 = じゅうにん
    Et cetera

    You learn 人 in season 2-5: http://www.textfugu.com/season-2/past-negative-nouns/5-3/


    Jessica Cole

    Ideal thanks for explaining! If I’d thought about it I probably could have worked out it was the other pronounciation of the number at least.

    Thanks again!



    Hi, I’m new here. I did run into a problem with a link from TextFugu. I know its probably the problem with the site rather then the book. Though since the book doesn’t give an alternative to use I’m not sure if this should be in the errors or not. Its here http://www.textfugu.com/season-1/studying-what-youre-passionate-about/5-5/#top Jisho.org won’t load for me no matter what I do. Is there another site thats recommended? If this doesn’t belong here I can post in the other section. Thank you



    Sorry I guess the site was just down for awhile? Though it is still different from the directions in TextFugu. I don’t see a way to delete my previous posts but you can delete it



    Sorry I guess the site was just down for awhile? Though it is still different from the directions in TextFugu. I don’t see a way to delete my previous posts but you can delete it.



    You can delete your own posts if you do it with a certain amount of time after posting them – something like half an hour, or so. Sadly, after that time, only a moderator can do it, and all the moderators are inactive.

    But yeah, Jisho re-did their interface a few months ago. I’m still not overjoyed by the new one.

    Edit: Or rather, you used to be able to delete your own posts. They seem to have removed that option…

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 3 months ago by  Joel.


    Oops I also seemed to have posted twice, I’m not sure how that happened as I only wrote one post. Though I did push submit twice when it looked like my post didn’t actually post. lol Sorry if that doesn’t make sense. Anyways go ahead and delete this and the extra post or all 3 if preferred.

    Joel, Thank you I wasn’t sure if I was somehow missing the part to delete my posts. Yeah Jisho is quite different so it was difficult to look up my list of words. Anyways thank you :)


    Now, I could be wrong, but number 9 says that you put a だ at the end of “this train is big”. Isn’t 大きい an i-adjective? So it should just get left off.
    Also, there are 11 questions and only 10 answers. the number 9 question doesn’t have an answer for it.

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