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    So I have a confession to make regarding my Japanese learning, maybe you do too, and I really think it would help if I told someone about it.

    I don’t think I’ve been on Textfugu for about a month now… first i reached my dip, did some climbing out of it, seriously began to consider college because I wanted to take this as far as I could and then my wife bought Persona 4. I mean it’s not like I completely detached myself from Japanese entirely, just sitting down and making myself study for those couple of hours every morning went way out the window. I know that it’s an excuse and an escape from the stress of it all but I admit it, my learning came to a halt because in my rare free time I’ve been obsessively attempting to complete a stupid video game. (maaan i sound like such a stupid kid right now)

    Worst student ever, this guy.

    Glad I got that off my chest, now I must regroup my studies.



    Don’t worry Christophj, all is forgiven ;)

    Also, should of gone half way and got the version of the game with Japanese audio and english subtitles. Or maybe just go all out Japanese haha, but things i REALLY want to enjoy I find hard to voluntarily give up details for >_>



    Appreciate that Sheepy, yeah i have a Japanese copy of Persona 3 Portable and of course Gyakuten Kenji 2, trying to figure out an appropriate method to study them.



    This is gonna sound messed up, but I read this topic title and seriously though this was gonna be some sort of coming out of the closet sort of thing. Anyway, you can get back to studying if you want. Just realize how pathetic your life is without Japanese and I’m sure you’ll get back in no time!

    I’ve even prepared a video to get your spirits up!



    ^^ If that isn’t inspirational, I don’t know what is!



    Persona 3 & 4 are amazing games. I’m going to import the PS Vita re-release of Persona 4 in Japanese next year.



    I’ve lost pretty much all interest in studying Japanese. :D



    Well, the only confession I really have is that since College started, my studies have dropped.. drastically. I’m usually too tired to learn new cards or do some of the little things I used to do before. I used to never go days without reviewing Anki, but I’ve skipped a day, a few times.. and it’s been a while since I’ve added new cards on RTK. :\ Since then, I’ve been trying to think of ways to squeeze some study time in between classes, so I started bringing the notebook I use to write down all of my reviews to class with me, to “review” whenever possible. I really don’t want to use “baaawww, too much homework, too tired” as an excuse to stop studying Japanese, so I’m trying really hard not to let that drive become lost among all of the other crap.

    But… it is dwindling, so I am sad.. :[ well, the only thing that makes me sad is knowing it’ll take me longer to learn it all/become better, but I suppose it doesn’t matter, as long as I do *something*. I shake my fist at you, life! Damn you!


    @Lindy: I’m in the same situation :(



    I honestly know the feeling, it’s not so much finding the time, but dragging yourself away from other things. Starting sometime this month I will be working 2 jobs and going to school full time, and for the last week, once the Battlefield 3 open beta started I’ve been playing it almost everyday in between homework and other random crap. I come to textfugu every once in awhile, I at least keep up with my anki decks but it doesn’t seem to stick as quickly unless I sit myself down to study.

    I’m trying to find ways to motivate myself to do it but I just seem to stop and focus on something else, there are easily too many distractions in life.



    @missingno; that was pretty damn inspirational! thank you!

    @everyone else; … bro hugs, all around. :)



    I also haven’t looked at my Japanese for a couple months now, I keep loading up textfugu, maybe do a couple thinks in Anki but that’s all… really need to get stuck back into things and maybe now I’m going travelling again I will have the spare time to do so… maybe. :)



    Also a confession: I hit a small ‘depression’ (don’t want to trivialize the word but can’t think of the English word for it) for the last 3 months. I still practice on Anki on my phone from time to time but not much. Glad to say its over and already pumped up to be studying Japanese again. School/job is overwhelming but apparently consistency is the key so there is hope /rambling.

    @bro hugs



    As a (Chicago) Bears fan, I approve the video. It’s got me pumped up for the morning.

    With a toddler, five classes, and a lot of “outside influences”, it’s only my first month, but I have to keep reminded myself to do the work, and keep it going – even if that means I’m studying the kanji while my son climbs all over me. It’s really easy for me to lose interest in anything, so that’s why I’m “forcing” myself to keep studying, even if that means all I do is listening to “AKBINGO” all evening. hey, at least I’m honing my Japanese listening skills.

    I’m just going to keep going and JFDI.



    What did you say?

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