Home Forums The Japanese Language Confusing Lang 8 corrections + Translation order

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    So a couple of times now I’ve posted some Japanese up on Lang 8 for corrections and the past few times now I’ve gotten 2 or 3 corrections on each of them but I keep getting different corrections on a couple of the same parts. Seems to be a recurring theme. So I’m guessing Japanese just has a number of possibilities when it comes to correcting English translations to Japanese considering there can be 4 Japanese words/kanji for one English word.

    It also seems that translating English sentences to Japanese helps with having the English sentence and its words in a specific order.

    Me: 私たち は 日本 に 行く つもりだ の あと タイ に りょこうします。
    My English translation: We plan to go to Japan after travelling in Thailand.
    Lang 8 correction: 私たちはタイをりょこうしたあと、日本に行くつもりです。
    Their English translation: After we travel Thailand, we plan to go to Japan.

    Should I be thinking up my English in a specific order to help my translation to Japanese? I knew my Japanese translation of that sentence was wrong, feeling that つもりだ wasn’t in the right place but I just couldn’t figure it out.

    My Lang-8 post:

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    The suggested correction is correct. つもりだのあと is… particularly weird. =P

    A lot of grammar structures in Japanese tend to be backwards to how we’d expect to see them in English – as Koichi puts it, try to think in Yoda-speak a bit. So where in English we’d say “we’ll do A after we do B”, in Japanese it’s more like “After B is done, then A”. Note the first clause in that pseudo-example is in past tense.



    Ahh yes the Yoda speak. I forgot. I do see the past tense part in the first bit there as well. Thanks!

    How much does it cost to travel the world? Take a look: https://abackpackersaccount.wordpress.com/
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