Home Forums The Japanese Language Conjugating かわいい.

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    I was wondering about かわいい and how to pronounce it when conjugating. I know that regularly, the わ and いい aren’t said as why (lengthened out by the extra い), but as わ (end syllable) いい.  But when to conjugate it, say to かわいくなかった, is the わい said as one syllable, or do you split the わ and い into separate syllables, as usual. I’ve been wondering for a while, and finally got to asking it. Thanks fellow TextFugu users.



    I don’t think it really matters.  In  かわいい, there are two いs so the sound is extended.  In かわいくなかった, there is only one い so I don’t see why the sound would be extended.  But if you’re talking about mashing the わ and い together, I don’t believe the sound would be made super quick in English, but it wouldn’t be so stressed that it would return to the sound of two いs.

    Syllables aren’t exactly mashed together quickly in Japanese; if you listen to Japanese songs, very often each hiragana character is said separately.

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