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This topic contains 9 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by missingno15 13 years, 7 months ago.
July 16, 2011 at 12:16 pm #14203
Hey guys. So I’m kinda feeling up to some sort of contest against other people, namely you Textfugu’ers. Like the title of the topic, it’s a race to see who can translate a certain body of text first.
Here’s how it goes. Since there are Textfugu’ers all over the word, I’ll wait 2 days before I start attempting to translate certain body of text. While I have a
handicapslow start, if you do want to participate, you can jump right into the reading and translating. The body of text will be posted later below. Anyone can participate.Rules:
- Use of all kinds of Japanese reference materials are accepted, even Google translate is good
- The translation must be in comprehensible English. In other words, Google translate can’t do all the work for you.
- The translations should look proper. So for example, it can be, but not necessarily need to look like this: http://style.i-dol.org/forums/index.php?topic=121.0
- Deadline is 7/20/11. You can submit it on that date but any minute after that (US EST), and your entry will not be accepted.
- Unless absolutely necessary, NO ROMAJI AT ALL
- Beat all the other competitors
- Repeat・So Missing, how do we know who wins?
Whoever submits it firsts. But then it must be agreed by the majority of the readers that it is good. Maybe, I’ll ask for Koichi’s help. Or even Gakuranman now that he’s seems to just be chilling around here. Understand that when you make translations, you have to have the mindset of a translator. You must effectively be able to not only put words from one language to another, but to also choose the right words to create a similar mood and atmosphere. Once you submit it, there’s is no turning back and it becomes something that EVERYONE will read.
・Now Missing, why would I even think to participate in such a difficult contest such as this?
Well for starters, if you participate, you can’t lose anything. It’s only a win-win situation. So let’s say you do lose or you don’t finish but you at least finish half. Think about all the time you spent actively learning and figuring out certain grammar, words, expressions. But if you do win, you don’t get nothing. That’s right, nothing…..but pure fcking glory. So this contest is kinda like Tadoku; instead of reading until your eyes bleed for an entire month, you’ll be translating and picking up some new things on the way. It will be nice learning experience.
・This contest is not worth my time.
Word. Come back for the next one then. Either way, all participants entering are beginners regardless of the level they really think they are.
Any questions, comments, concerns, post them here and we’ll work it out.
文章を紹介したいと思います! どうぞ!
作曲:渡辺泰司ふいに あなたが私の左手繋いで(繋いで)
はっとするようなぬくもり 指先感じて(感じて)
思わず ぎゅっと握り返して
手を繋ぐ そんなことくらいじゃ
子どもじみてもの足りなかったのに…点滅してるのは 信号だけじゃない
少し先を歩く その気持ちわからなくなるよふいに 心のどこかにビリビリ伝わった(伝わった)
愛しさ 錯覚だったの?って
聞いてみたって きょとんとするんでしょうね?
だって 無意識のうちに右手を伸ばして(伸ばして)
あなたはきっと 思い出してくれない
小さな出来事 一瞬だけの奇跡やさしさは木漏れ日のように
その暖かさにしあわせになるねえでも もし風が止んでしまったら
日陰に一人 取り残されるし不安でしょう?
あなたの背中 そばで見ていると
なぜかさっきよりも 歩き方 早く見えるよふいに あなたが私の左手繋いで(繋いで)
はっとするようなぬくもり 指先感じて(感じて)
思わず ぎゅっと握り返して
あなたが好きだと 今になって気づく
横断歩道 手を繋いでくれたこと
あなたのぬくもり 今も感じながら…いつだって ふいに好きになる
Participants, have fun♡
July 18, 2011 at 3:21 pm #14232I am stuck on the second verse. I look forward to seeing what you do with it.
July 18, 2011 at 4:20 pm #14240July 20, 2011 at 7:05 pm #14340I was only able to finish the first verse.
ふいに あなたが私の左手繋いで
Suddenly you took my left hand
when you crossed the street to see me
why did you do it? It made my heart race
はっとするようなぬくもり 指先感じて
I felt a sudden warmth in my fingertips
思わず ぎゅっと握り返して
and squeezed your hand without a second thought
my heart beat for no one but you
and I knew right away that you love me.
July 20, 2011 at 7:37 pm #14341間に合うのか!?間に合うのか!?間に合うのか!?
ふいに あなたが私の左手繋いで(繋いで)
Suddenly you held onto my left hand
When you crossed the street
I wondered “Why?”, my heard kinda started beating
はっとするようなぬくもり 指先感じて(感じて)
I’m surpised by the warmth I feel on your fingertips
思わず ぎゅっと握り返して
And I reflexively hold your hand in return
This feeling is different from other people I’m with
I beginning to notice that I like youいくつかの恋をして来たし
Sometimes as I start to fall in love
I began to experience many things
手を繋ぐ そんなことくらいじゃ
Holding hands is childish
And just wasn’t not enough…点滅してるのは 信号だけじゃない
It’s not just the traffic lights that are flashing
Because I ran, I’m out of breath
And I look next to me
As always, without changing at all
少し先を歩く その気持ちわからなくなるよ
You walk a little ahead of me
That feeling I can’t begin to understandふいに 心のどこかにビリビリ伝わった(伝わった)
Suddenly, shocks were sent to my heart
愛しさ 錯覚だったの?って
If I asked “Was love just an illusion?”
聞いてみたって きょとんとするんでしょうね?
You’d probably look in confusion wouldn’t you?
だって 無意識のうちに右手を伸ばして(伸ばして)
‘Cause you unconciously reached out your right hand (reached out your hand)
You’ve certainly captured my heart haven’t you?
あなたはきっと 思い出してくれない
You’ll surely remember for me
小さな出来事 一瞬だけの奇跡
This small act, a fleeting miracleやさしさは木漏れ日のように
Gentleness, like the sunlight through the trees,
afterwards is a noticeable bright thing
Unexpectedly, all the trees were swaying
Which warmly made me happyねえでも もし風が止んでしまったら
Hey but, if the wind were to stop
日陰に一人 取り残されるし不安でしょう?
I’d be left alone in the shadows
I’m so insecure
あなたの背中 そばで見ていると
When I’m close to you looking at your back
なぜかさっきよりも 歩き方 早く見えるよ
Why is that I seem to walk faster than beforeふいに あなたが私の左手繋いで(繋いで)
Suddenly you held onto my left hand (held my hand)
When you crossed the street
I wondered “Why?”, my heard kinda started beating
はっとするようなぬくもり 指先感じて(感じて)
I’m surpised by the warmth I feel on your fingertips
思わず ぎゅっと握り返して
And I reflexively hold your hand in return
This feeling is different from other people I’m with
I beginning to notice that I like you横断歩道 手を繋いでくれたこと
You held my hand at the pedestrian crossing
あなたのぬくもり 今も感じながら…
Even now as I feel your warmth…いつだって ふいに好きになる
I always suddenly fall for youAh~
This reply was modified 13 years, 7 months ago by
This reply was modified 13 years, 7 months ago by
July 21, 2011 at 7:10 am #14385> あなたが好きだと今になって気づく
> I beginning to notice that I like youThat looks better than what I did. What is liked goes with が. I knew this, and yet somehow I didn’t. Also, I think “beginning to” fits 今になって better than “right away.”
>Sometimes as I start to fall in loveWhat is 来たし?
>手を繋ぐ そんなことくらいじゃ
>Holding hands is childishWhat is くらいじゃ?
July 21, 2011 at 7:41 am #14392This was pretty much just a thread for missing to show off his uber-l33t skillz – he’s better than 95% of us and he knows it. And he knows we know it.
And I don’t think “Ah~” needed translated.
Just sayin’.
July 21, 2011 at 7:56 am #14394That’s too bad, this was actually to make people take the opportunity enrich themselves like I do with some of the other things I put up but I guess no matter what I do, I will end up as some sort of ash-hole. But whatever I guess.
jkl said: >手を繋ぐ そんなことくらいじゃ
>Holding hands is childishWhat is くらいじゃ?
This part I had to ask help for. You can find that question here: http://lang-8.com/123987/journals/1019491
To be honest, I’m still not sure myself because I’m not sure I fully understood the answers that were given to me
jkl said:
Sometimes as I start to fall in loveWhat is 来たし?
What I thought was being used here is the grammar points: ~てくる + し
This reply was modified 13 years, 7 months ago by
July 21, 2011 at 9:29 am #14403Regarding くらいじゃ:
To make matters somewhat more confusing, it looks like Hide wrote it ぐらい. I can’t tell from the recording whether it sounds more like くらい or ぐらい. I had to find another version of the video to listen to that part.
But in any case Paris seems to be saying that the “childish” part is just sort of thrown in there, and isn’t part of the core sentence grammatically. If that is true, this seems like a relevant example of similar usage:
That will hardly do.http://dictionary.goo.ne.jp/leaf/je2/20289/m0u/%E3%81%8F%E3%82%89%E3%81%84/
Incidentally, that entry indicates that ぐらい is an alternate version, which I guess explains what Hide was doing.
Taking out the “childish” part, and substituting では for じゃ, those lines read
Then following the example above we get something like “holding hands is hardly satisfying” or “holding hands is hardly enough.”
Regarding 来たし:
It looks like you have the right thing grammatically, but Tae Kim’s examples of てくる are hard to apply here. The closest one is probably
Went out (up to the present) with various types of peopleWhich makes いくつかの恋をして来た literally something like “done (up to the present) several loves.”
Putting everything together:
Because I have loved many times
and experienced many things
手を繋ぐ そんなことくらいじゃ
holding hands is childish
and is hardly enough.I’m getting “because” from the し on the first line, according to the usage you referenced, and I’m getting “many/several” from いくつかの. That one wasn’t on goo.ne, so I had to go to alc for it.
July 21, 2011 at 10:07 am #14408That….is actually some pretty sound reasoning lol, Good job. Hmmm, take a look at the rest of the stuff. What do you think?
By the way, くらい and ぐらい have the exact same meaning – its just that ぐらい is more colloquial. Not to say that you can’t say くらい in regular speech but maybe its a bit more stiff.
This reply was modified 13 years, 7 months ago by
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