Home Forums The Japanese Language Conversational/"Real World" audio dialogue link

This topic contains 3 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  zeldaskitten 12 years, 7 months ago.

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    Hi, everyone!

    I was looking for advanced audio/vocabulary sites, and I stumbled across a real gem for conversation (and a bit of reading) comprehension. It’s a flash site that has short conversations for various real-world situations called “Chimata no Nihongo.”

    http://www.ajalt.org/rwj/ (Go to the “Overview” section to learn about the site, and then pick you conversational poison.”

    It was fun to listen to certain conversations and watch the characters on-screen. Number 37 (“Returning a shirt to the cleaners”) really did sound like the (sometimes nagging) ladies I encountered while overseas. I just visited the “general” section, but they have a business and children’s section for listening comprehension, too. I jumped right to and intermediate and advanced level conversations to get a feel of how useful the site might be for me. The beginner level conversations use hiragana/katakana and (>___<) romaji, so you may have to turn the text off or squint/work at ignoring the roman letters.

    It's a good change of pace for me. Hope it can help someone else!

    (If anyone's been using this site to study/learn more phrases or vocab, how has it been for you?)



    Thanks for sharing :)



    Good find



    Must be flash or something. Doesn’t work on my iPad. :(. Oh well time to use my laptop!!

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