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This topic contains 5 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Joel 8 years, 10 months ago.

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    I went on lang-8 and submitted a post which was corrected. ☺ It wasn’t super scary afterall.

    Here is is:


    I’ve just hit season 5 and it looks a bit like a tangly mess. I want to know why it’s the right thing to say and understand why it’s put together that way.
    Is there a process for pulling it apart? Or should I wait until I get a little further on and know about the と particle?
    Thank you. ☺



    This is と functioning as “if” – you’ll learn about it in season six, lesson 1-8. The full sentence is “If I write every day, I think I’ll be come skilled” (with undertones that becoming skilled is a natural and unavoidable outcome of writing every day).



    Thank you for replying!

    I have some more questions if you’d be so kind as to try to answer them.

    Is there a way to make the most of the corrections I get on Lang-8? It kind of seems like a waste to do nothing with the correction. It doesn’t really say anything about what you can do with your responses in the ‘social learning’ chapter.

    Is it worth pulling apart and inputting information into Anki? Or should I focus on the grammar aspects and wait until the kanji and vocab come up in lessons?

    I never thought I would get so excited about writing something wrong and being corrected! The people on Lang-8 are really wonderful and it’s a bit addictive correcting submissions and knowing it’s helping others! Yay!

    So, if you have any ideas about what I can do with the corrections to get all I can out of them, I’d love to hear it!

    Thank you so very much!



    Dunno if it’s the best suggestion, but my advice is to get a hold of the Dictionary of Basic Japanese Grammar. It’s an extremely useful reference – I’ve even read it from cover to cover, using the example sentences as practice by putting my hand over the translations. =)

    Yeah, it’ll involve skipping ahead on the TextFugu lessons a bit, though personally I only ever used TextFugu as a supplementary resource for my uni classes, where we used Nakama. =P



    Learning a language seems to require a lot of different resources all layered on top of each other. :S

    I looked up the Dictionary of Basic Japanese Grammar and it seems to be an amazing resource. As with all textbooks it looks expensive, but if it gets me closer to being fluent, then I think it’s worth having. :)

    I think I’ll keep tackling TextFugu and find some other resources to help me improve.

    Sometimes when facing something like learning a language, it can be hard just working out what you’re supposed to know and knowing what you don’t know, if that makes any sense.

    Thank you for your input, Joel. I will have to acquire a copy of the Dictionary.
    Erin. :)



    Sometimes when facing something like learning a language, it can be hard just working out what you’re supposed to know and knowing what you don’t know, if that makes any sense.

    No, I know what you mean. In anything, it’s not not knowing stuff that gets you – it’s not knowing that you don’t know stuff. =)

    Incidentally, Koichi reviews the Dictionaries of Japanese Grammar here.

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